001. 𝓵𝓪𝓶𝓫 𝓽𝓸 𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓼𝓵𝓪𝓾𝓰𝓱𝓽𝓮

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     Ahma hesitates as she enters the office, her gaze filled with cautious curiosity. The walls adorned with books and a cheerful blonde with dyed tips at the center welcomed her with a kind smile, inviting her to take a seat. Glancing at Kakashi, Ahma's reluctance to approach the lady was evident. Sensing her unease, Kakashi gently guides her to the chair.

"It's alright," Kakashi reassures, exchanging a look with Sora, who observes the scene closely.

Ahma sat down, her eyes warily shifting between the woman and the room before settling on Kakashi, who was preparing to depart. "You're going?" she questions, her anxious gaze fixed on the ninja.

"Sora will take care of you," Kakashi replies, rubbing the back of his neck as Sora smiled gratefully at him.

Though she would never voice it, Ahma was afraid for the first time since being returned to Kohana. The thought of his departure was the last thing she desired. "I'll be back for you soon, I still need to prepare your room." he waves, before slipping out of the door.

Ahma's eyes lock with Sora's as she introduces herself, "I'm Sora," she smiles.

"I know," Ahma retorts sharply, but Sora's cheerful demeanor remains unshaken.

"Well, I was wanting to discuss a few things with you, see how you're holding up since you've returned home," Sora mentions, her eyes reflecting compassion.

"Home?" Ahma scoffs, her glare intensifying. "This isn't my home," she states venomously.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to upset you," Sora frowns, her expression filled with sympathy.

"Don't give me that look!" Ahma spat with disdain.

"I don't understand...?" Sora says, tilting her head in confusion. "I'm just trying to help."

"I don't want your help. I've managed just fine on my own all this time," Ahma states firmly. Acknowledging Ahma's stance, Sora nods in understanding.

"You have," she agrees. "Since you don't need my assistance, how about we just chat? I have some time before my next appointment," she suggests, though Ahma saw through the facade.

In the face of Ahma's silence, Sora presses on. "So, you seem to trust Kakashi? Do you two get along well?" she inquires, a curious expression on her features.

Ahma wanted to lash out at the woman's attempts to pry into her personal life. Despite knowing Sora meant well, Ahma didn't want her pretending to understand, she didn't want her false concern or her pity.

"I don't trust anyone," she states bluntly, shutting down any further attempts at conversation.

"It must be tough, going through life without anyone by your side—no one to trust or confide in," Sora sighs, appearing to halt in her attempts to break through to Ahma as she reclined in her chair.

"I have trusted people, but they've only shown me why I shouldn't," Ahma retorts sharply, her words cutting and direct.

"I understand that your time at the arena must have been challenging, but you don't have to bear that pain and guilt alone," Sora reassures gently.

"Guilt," Ahma laughs bitterly, her frustration evident. "I don't feel guilty for surviving the only way I knew how!" she exclaims, the sound of her fist hitting the desk echoing through the room as she stood up abruptly.

With determination in her eyes, Ahma turns away, ready to leave. She rejected Sora's help, the Hokage's assistance, and the ties to Kohana and the academy entirely. She was leaving. She had made it this far on her own and was convinced she could continue doing so.

𝐏𝐑𝐄𝐓𝐓𝐘 𝐋𝐈𝐓𝐓𝐋𝐄 𝐏𝐎𝐈𝐒𝐎𝐍. ⁿᵃʳᵘᵗᵒWhere stories live. Discover now