~ royal background, 1521 ~

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In 1521, the year this novel starts in, Francesca Fortuna is daughter of Charles V, the king of Spain, Holy Roman Emperor, and Lord of the Netherlands. Charles V holds these titles till 1555 and 1556, respectively.

His wife and Francesca's mother, is Isabella of Portugal, and they are married till Isabella's death in 1539. 

Their children were Francesca Fortuna, Isabella Fortuna [twins, my characters];

as well as Philip II of Spain, Maria, Tadea, John, and Joanna of Austria, Margaret of Parma. However these particular ones won't be featured in the start as they were significantly younger than Isabella and Francesca during the story. However, there will be minor correspondence between Philip and the Ottoman Empire during his reign.

Charles V does try to get his daughters [back], but that will be largely unsuccessful.

The cities in which the story takes place are-

SPAIN- Toledo, Madrid

OTTOMAN EMPİRE- Istanbul, Manisa, Eyalets, Crimea, Edirne, Kutahya, Amasya

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