~ Chapter 5 ~

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I awoke to the sound of bells ringing and men yelling. Oh Jesus Christ, what now? I've been tormented for weeks. One thing is good though, I suppose. I know for a fact that I'll be rescued, so I just need to bide my time wisely. 

The Ottoman Empire is also our greatest enemy in Spain, so perhaps I can spy and relay information to my family about the Sultan's next moves. But I'll need to obtain a position of influence in order to do so. I'm confident we are approaching the Empire, which means soon InshAllah I'll get saved.

While I've been here, I have begun picking up bits of their language, "Ottoman Turkish" I believe it's called. Allah pretty much means God, and Güzel means beautiful. I know what that one means because those barbarians kept pointing and smiling at me and other girls and saying it. Creeps for sure. Ben means I or I am from what another girl aboard the ship told me, and Merhaba is hello. For now, I'm sure that's enough enough Turkish to get by.

Merhaba, ben güzel princesa Francesca Fortuna.

Yes, that indeed works. Elisabeth has also been straining to learn new words, and it was a good thing that we both spoke French. As a princess of Spain, I'm fluent in Spanish, French, and also Italian, but unfortunately that hasn't come in handy with my capture.

Were I Isabella, I probably would have broken down and cried and been thrown off the ships into the freezing mediterranean sea. But knowing that I'll probably be saved, hopefully, I don't need to worry.

"Elisabeth?" I called to my friend who was across the ship. She stopped whatever she was doing with her hands, and came to me. It did frustrate me that nobody wanted to bow to me despite my high rank, and I'll need to set the score with Sultan Süleyman on that one.

"Hey, Francesca." And that part too. I've simply been called 'Francesca' on board this ship by everyone. I can't take it much longer.

"Princesa Francesca Fortuna," I corrected Elisabeth.

"Fine..." Elisabeth muttered. "What did you want?"

"Just to talk a bit. Do you think we are approaching the Empire?" I said a little too excited. I think I am starting to go mad. I feel almost like I'm going for a short vacation to a foreign and exotic land.

"Probably." She tapped her chin. "We've been traveling for weeks, and I think everyone on board seems to feel it too."

Elisabeth motioned with her hand the other dozen or so girls coming with us, who will have to cement their legacy soon by being the best. I've read stories about the Ottoman court, so I have a vague idea of what we are coming to.

"Indeed. But I'm glad that I'll probably not stay to long." I exclaimed happily, not realizing what Elisabeth must have felt. I stopped and looked at her face, which held a disappointed expression.

"Princess Francesca, I have to be honest. You probably won't be rescued. The Ottoman court is impenetrable. How do you know your parents will even be willing to rescue you?" Elisabeth questioned. This made me a little bit mad.

"Elisabeth, how dare you say such a thing?" I hissed, feeling my face flush with a mix of anger and desperation. "My family would never abandon me. We are the ruling family of Spain!"

Elisabeth sighed, her eyes filled with pity and resignation for me- for us. "I don't mean to upset you, Francesca Fortuna. It's just... we have to be realistic. The Ottomans are powerful, and their court is a practical labyrinth, made to ensure outsiders keep out, and the people inside kept in. We may never find a way out."

I clenched my fists, determined not to let despair take hold. "No. I refuse to accept that. I will find a way to communicate with my family. They will come for me. They can't abandon a princess, an heiress!"

She placed a gentle hand on my shoulder. "I hope you're right, princesa. But we need to focus on surviving first. Learning the language, understanding the customs—these are the things that will keep us alive. At least, until perhaps your family rescues you."

I nodded, knowing she was right. "Yes, you're right. We have to be smart about this. But I will never give up hope."

We stood in silence for a moment, the weight of our situation pressing down on us. The ship creaked and groaned, the sound of the waves a constant reminder of our captivity. We were all wearing ripped clothes and dirt smudges on our faces, and my beautiful red gown, down to shreds. I didn't want to show up there in this state.

"Have you learned any new words?" I asked, trying to shift the conversation to something more productive. And from my pointless thoughts. I didn't know what clothes they wear in the Ottoman court. Heck, if they even wear clothes.

Elisabeth smiled faintly. "Yes, a few. 'Lütfen' means please, and 'teşekkür ederim' means thank you. I've also picked up 'yardım' which means help."

"Good," I said, feeling a small glimmer of hope. "We need to learn as much as we can. The more we know, the better our chances. I've already learned Allah and ben, and güzel and Merhaba."

She nodded, her expression turning serious. "And we need to be careful. Trust no one but each other. The court is full of danger. Everyone is going to be after power, and if they ind out a Spanish princess is there..."

"I might be in danger," I finished for her. Elisabeth nodded.

"But yes, agreed," I said, feeling a sense of camaraderie with Elisabeth. Despite our different backgrounds, we were in this together. We had to look out for each other. At least for the time being. I couldn't count on that other noble lady crybaby. We were close, and a new chapter is soon to unfold in all of our lives, whether we wanted it or not. Watch out, Ottoman Empire, you haven't prepared for the arrival of Spanish Princess Francesca Fortuna. 

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