~ Chapter 6 ~

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I awoke, wiping my bloodshot eyes to the sound of the barbarians shouting above us, on the deck of this ship. I climbed out of my potato sack looking cot and peered through the windows above our "beds". There was land, a port in fact, and our ship was coming in.

We have finally arrived in the Ottoman land I suspect, deprived for weeks of proper sleep, good food, and our decent necessities. Now I know as a princesa of the great empire of Spain I was entitled to quite a lot of good amenities, but the mistreatment we received here was probably far worse than how the average peasant lived.

"Ay! Niñas! Come here!" A man came down and yelled at us in broken Spanish. The other girls were all asleep, but quickly got up as he walked down the aisle kicking the other girls' cots till they climbed out. We were all dirty, filthy, and in no condition to go anywhere besides a bathing room to wash up. Besides my current clothes, including a few pieces of jewelry I hid in my underwear, I had nothing else that could tell of my old life. They all mysteriously disappeared the first night on this ship. Wonder why...

"Francesca Fortuna!" Elisabeth interrupted my thoughts as she bounded over to me. Though she was 5-ish years younger than me, so far we have bonded almost like best friends. I needed to keep her around me, for both of our good. 

She grabbed my arm and clinged onto it as the girls began lining up, and we didn't want to get separated when we got off the ship. I interlock my fingers with hers as we began walking out, periodically shoved by some barbarian or another. I try to remain calm as we walked off the ship. Here goes


The fresh air instantly hit me as I stepped onto the narrow board that connected our ship to the dock. Elisabeth quickly got in line behind me, still holding my hand, as we got off and onto the boardwalk together. The boards creaked a little, but were probably supported by durable boards underneath so I wouldn't have to worry? No. This isn't Spain, or anything I'm used to. 

I gazed around myself at my surroundings. Beautiful lush forests and trees accompanied by buildings, and on the hill stood a magnificent structure.

"Is that... the palace?" I whispered, watching adoringly as beautiful birds flew by.

"Oh that must be the Topkapi Palace!" Fiona whispered excitedly to another girl as they walked by me. Well, I suppose that answers my question. 

From here, the palace looks unusual. Different than our usual European style palaces. Its domes and minarets pierced the sky, gleaming under the midday sun that had greeted us after weeks on the harsh Mediterranean sea. The structure exuded a sense of grandeur and exotic mystery, standing in stark contrast to the castles of my homeland. Not bad looking, but still rather strange. Something out of a book, so to speak.

"Keep moving!" A guard's harsh voice snapped me out of my thoughts. He shoved us along the crowded docks, filled with bustling activity and the sounds of the market. I tightened my grip on Elisabeth's hand, trying to shield her from the chaotic scene around us. I was then reminded that I am, after all, a kidnapped Spanish Princess taken to these Muslim lands against my will, and forced to endure such humiliation.

Our hands were tied together, but not to hard as to hurt us, and I still held Elisabeth's bound hands as we followed the others through the city known as Istanbul.

As we trudged through the streets, the scent of spices and unfamiliar foods filled the air, mingling with the less pleasant odors of the city. Vendors shouted, hawking their wares, while children darted between stalls, laughing and playing. This must be where the Asian silk roads meet ports and get taken 'round the world, even to my own home of Spain.

Despite the vibrant energy, a sense of dread hung over me. What fate awaited us in this foreign land of barbarians?

We were herded through narrow alleys, the cobblestones uneven beneath our feet. The buildings loomed over us, their walls adorned with intricate tiles and carvings. Periodically, I would see men in these weird towel-hats¹ chanting weird things in foreign languages to eager crowds. Women wore silk head scarves and covered their heads and faces as they scurried around the market quickly, not bothering to say a word.

The streets grew quieter as we approached the palace, the noise of the market fading into the background. We approached a long road as some open-air wooden carts sped by, until finally a few stopped and men hopped out.

"I guess this is our ride?" Elisabeth whimpered as we were grabbed at the same time and practically thrown into the carts. Ugh, this was beyond embarrassing. 

"Careful, you barbarian!" I barked at the man who grabbed me. "ben Princesa Francesca Fortuna of Spain!"

The man looked me over carefully, as though he didn't understand for a moment, then burst out laughing. "Princesa? Ha!"

Before I could give a good comeback, the man scurried off to help other girls into carts. This was altogether too much for me so I grabbed Elisabeth's arm and leaned on her. I hope we do not part during my short stay here at the Toopkapi palace of the Ottoman Empire, our greatest enemies.

But that does complicate things. If I inform the royalty there that I am the heir to their greatest enemies, they might kill me or try to force a ransom on our kingdom. It wouldn't end well for me. I'd probably be scorned to death by my family. But... If I don't immediately pressure to come home, what could I do, in this land of barbarians?

I looked to the palace, fairly close by but a steep walk, for answers. Jesus Christ, whatever shall I do? I can only pray.


Authors Notes:

¹ towel-hats. A common misconception is that turbans are simply towels wrapped around your head. Not necessarily. Don't worry, Francesca has yet to learn the Ottoman Turkish ways.

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