Runaways scraped book

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A/N: I started this book back in 8 grade. I wasn't a great writer back then and the whole story is based on a dream that really stuck with me throughout the entire year of 8 grade.

Summary: after a weird dream, starlette finds herself in a new school, again. She adjusts quickly but she ends up with a weird group of friends. They all seem to be in similar situations to her but they seem familiar, too familiar. Not to mention people seem to ignore them and the teachers don't seem to know them too well if at all.

The premise of the book is that Star finds people similar to her and it makes her feel like she has a place in the world but they are ignored by everyone else. Penny or mint is the 'villain' as she treats the weird kids badly and ends up being extremely toxic with Star. While all this is happening her weird friends seem to be disappearing. She goes to research but finds they've been missing aka dead for years. She goes to ask an adult but she gets nothing, so she confronts them but they don't say anything. At the climax Star ends up fighting with mint and gets hurt badly. Her mom ridicules her and she becomes so fed up.(she's having dreams while all this is happening too.) She ends up going to school one day and puts a knife into a light socket. She dies but ends up with her weird friends who finally explain everything and they continue on. Started 10/4/22 but never finished

"How long have we been walking?" The newcomer asks
"Did you really ask that question...A few minutes." Person 2 responds
"Really I thought it's been hours?" The newcomer said puzzled
"Well time flies when you're in a dream. And the time works differently here. In your world it's been a few hours, here it's been a few minutes." Person 2 says
"What—But I ran away? I'm not in a dream stupid." The newcomer replied
"No You didn't, we don't expect you to come back. That's how it works, every few
years we get a new person." Person 2 replies
"We exchange our story's and then they leave." Person 3 jumps in
"It's been years since someone new came. It's rare anyway." Person 4 says
"It's time for you to wake up, it'll get better, we promise." Person 5 replies
"Goodbye." They all say as the mystery group hugs the newcomer.
The newcomer hugs back and fades away and the group is left alone again. To wonder how they were sent here.

Chapter 1
It's dark, I thought to myself. As I Heard my name being called I knew it was my mother. I got up and pulled myself out of bed, school was beginning again and we had just moved. I was living with my mom, her boyfriend and his cat. I liked my mothers boyfriend and cat better than her. Jake was nice and caring while Lilly likes being in my room.
"Starlette! Get out of your room, you're going to be late!" Mother said
I could hear the anger in her voice, so I got ready, quickly. Mothers always had been angry but only around me. I don't know why she didn't like me. As I got downstairs mother said,
"Go eat breakfast and pack your lunch now sweetheart."
I could hear the sarcastic tone in her voice but I did what she said.
"You're always late, why can't you be one time for once in your life?" Mother grumbled.
"Because I-" I tried to respond but mother slapped me.
"Ugg! Look at what you've done! Go get a bandage or mask for that."
Mother had slapped me hard enough I was bleeding. To no surprise it was because of her nails, they were sharp and she liked it that way. I patch myself up and use a mask. I went back downstairs and packed my lunch then left for school. The house we got was close enough that I could bike to school. I got to school and I wasn't late.
That's another thing about my mother: she likes to lie to everyone. So because of this I was early to school and had to wait. I normally lose track of time quickly due to dissociating, so when a teacher asked what I was doing outside I panicked.
"Oh, um did school start?!"
"No it's just unusual to see a student out here on the first day of school so early." Said the teacher.
"Thank goodness, yeah I'm normally at school early." I replied
"I think?" I whispered under my breath
"Oh may I know your name?" The teacher asked
"Oh yes I'm starlette or star for short. And yours?" I said
"I'm principal kennel and we should get inside" she said as it started to snow.
"Yeah we probably should" I got up, grabbed my stuff and headed inside with her.
"So miss star what's your last name? I want to get you your schedule and a tour guide."
"It's solace-star solace." I stated as we walked into her office.
"Ok star" she got onto her computer and searched up my name.
"Yep, here you are Starlette Melody Solace. You know that's a very pretty name." She said as she printed my paper.
"Also I want to know, what's up with the mask?" Miss Kennel asked. My heart dropped and I panicked.
"Um well I wear this to cover my face because 1 it's cold, 2 I have face dysmorphia and 3 I like wearing masks.Their pretty and I can customize them too." Knowing full well that these were lies, well except reason 3.
"I'm sorry to hear that. I hope you overcome your dysmorphia. Do you want me to send an email to your teacher for that?" She started typing something and I said yes.
"Alright I've got you a tour guide, but it will be a group of people. Your tour guide's name is James north." She said
"Ok. Is the group a mix of grades? Like 9th 10th 11th 12th grade?" I asked
"No There's only 9th grade, you grade." She replied. I nodded then asked,
"What should I do now?"
"You can either wait here or go to room a13. That room is just across the hall and James has been notified of this group."
"Ok, see you sometime later. Have a good day." I said as I walked out of her office. It felt strange to be back in school. We kept moving because of Jake's job. It was fun the first few times, as I thought we were going on a road trip but we weren't. I think my old friends knew because they were sad for me to go on a 'road trip' and one of them even cried. I wasn't very smart as a child. I made new friends the first 3 times then I just stopped trying because it was too much effort because I would move anyways.

Chapter 2 the quest for the milk
I got to the classroom and then something came across my mind. I don't really know what happened to my birth dad. I'm not sure if he went to get the milk and never got it or died trying. Maybe the price of the milk was too high, I don't really know. He could have climbed up Mount Everest and he's trying to get down with the milk. Maybe mother went to get the milk and another lady came around and my dad took the milk in the house with him to go with her. Maybe he wasn't trying to get milk, maybe he was trying to get-gasp- "A MILKSHAKE!" I said out loud as someone came in.

Chapter 3 new friends
"A what?"
"Hi" I said "are you James?"
"Um no my name's penny but you can call me mint"
"Hello mint my name is star. Nice to meet you."
"Likewise" she said "Um so do you want to be friends?"
Once again my heart dropped and anxiety came over me.
"I would like to, but I move quite a lot. I fear I might not be a good friend." I replied scared
"Oh that's okay if you move. Do you have a phone? Cool mask by the way." Mint said
"Thank you! Yes but I almost never use it" I reply "and it's at home"
"That's okay, I can give you my number. Here." She handed me a piece of paper with her number on it.
"Thanks, I'll text you when I get home." I said as I put the piece of paper in my pocket.
We had a conversation to know more about each other while the rest of the group came in. I was able to snag 2 other people and add them to my new found friend group. They were twins, their names were Ashley and zenith.

Chapter 4 tour guide
The group was small, only about 8 to 13 people when the bell rang. James came in and introduced himself. We then went in a circle saying our names and what we liked. From there people started to make friends and gathered, ready to take the tour. Everyone settled down and we started. There were 2 levels and a basement, the basement was where the cafeteria was alongside other classes and the locker rooms. The layout of the school was easier to remember than it looked. Homeroom was at the beginning of the day instead of the end, so we used that time for the tour. When the tour was over we went back to the room. There was now a teacher and James introduced them as Mx. Sebastián.(they/them) Some of the kids in the group had this class first period.....Math. I felt bad for the kids until I remembered I don't care.

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