Caught in the Mafia prologue

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A/n: this was inspired by the comic roses and champagne and the song cola.

"Addison! Addison! Addison, I found some purple daisies!" Cami ran through the meadow to a tree. Addison, his sister, was in the tree writing in her journal.

"What? I didn't hear you silly." Addison looked down to cami. Addison's eyes were emerald green and she had long brown hair that was up in a ponytail.

"Addi, I found some purple daisies! Look! I want to braid them into your hair." Cami said very excited. He held the flowers up for Addison to see as she giggled.

"Haha, those aren't daisies, those are great blue lobelias! But that's ok, they're still pretty like my dear little brother." She hopped down from the tree closing her journal.

"Haha, come here, I'm going to braid them into your hair." Cami grabbed his sister's hand and led her to the sunlight. They sat down and Cami started to braid the flowers into her hair.

"Hey, do you know how to make flower crowns?" Addison asked curiously as she ran her hands through the warm grass.

"Hmmm, I don't think so, do you?" Cami replied, placing another flower into Addison's braid.

"Yeah, mom taught me recently. After you're done with my hair we'll make some." Addison's hair was soft and silky and Cami loved playing and styling it since his hair didn't grow fast.

"Yay!" He quickly finished the braid. "I'm done!" Cami got up and pulled Addison with him.

"Alright, so we need a lot of flowers that have long stems. Mom made the flower crown with dandelions since they're easy to find but I'm sure we can find multiple flowers with long stems." Addison looked around the meadow looking for flowers.

"Ok, then that makes the crown prettier, right?" Cami ask bouncing around looking for flowers


"Let's go then!" Cami linked arms with Addison and ran through the meadow laughing and playing along the way. It didn't take long to find flowers with long stems. They sat down in the middle of the meadow and Addison folded and twisted the flowers, soon making a flower crown.

"And just like that you have a flower crown!" She placed it onto Cami's head.

"So, just.. fold like this?"

"Almost! It's still really pretty. You have to fold over two flowers then twist them together. That's how the crown stays together."

"So, this?"

"You got it!" Addison said happily, clapping her hands together.

"We should make one for mom!" Cami placed the crown down and looked around for some more flowers.

"We can but she can't wear it, she's in the hospital, remember?" Addison interjected.

"Oh, yeah. Why is she there again?"

"Well, we're going to get two new baby brothers. They're finally going to come into the world and you'll be able to meet them!" Cami sat back down next to Addison.

"Wow! I can't wait!" Cami giggles and places his flower crown onto Addison. "What about you? Will you be ok not having any sisters?"

"Of course I'll be ok. I don't need any sisters when I have you." Addison wrapped her arm around her brother.

"You're right! I'll be the best brother ever! I love you Addison." Cami hugged Addison tightly with a big smile on his face.

"I love you too cami, I would do anything to stay with you." She said leaning her head against his shoulder and hugged him back.

"Promise?" Cami looked up to her.

"Pinky promise." Addison squeezed him then got up carrying him. "Let's go back home." Cami nodded and they walked off.

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