C3 animatic crk

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A/N: This 'series' was made in hopes to make into an animatic, however I was not skilled enough to do that yet. I absolutely loved Clotted Cream cookie when he first came out and months into this project. But when I got to his lore in game, I absolutely hated him so everything came to an abrupt stop.

Friand cookie is me little fri
Cc clotted crème
Fin is financier

Black screen scrolls to focus on Friand cookie
Friand cookie is uncomfortable holding a glass of juice looking down at it
Looks up
Sees Pecan cookie walking towards her
Friand: Surprised and nervous
Pecan says hi
Friand says hello back
Pecan: still afraid of parities I see?
Friand yeah just not into social events
Friand says so it been a long time pecan how are you doing?
Pecan: great thanks for asking, what 'bout you and your mother?
Pecan: Is your mother doing ok?
Friand: yeah she's doing well,
well enough to stand.
Pecan well that's an improvement
Friand yeah,
The doctor says she will get better soon
Pecan well that's good to hear
Friand yeah other than that I'm doing great
They chattering
Screen focus on Financier and cc
Cc yet another boring party
I don't understand why father makes me go to these parties
Let alone host them
Fin it is probably for reputation sir
Cc sigh
Tbh these parties are annoying
Fin hehe
I'll have to agree on that with you sir
Cc hmm
(Thinks) that cookie....
(Say) that cookie looks similar to you fin
Fin where sir?
Cc over there next to the cookie in red and white
Fin, eyes widened looks
Little fri?
Cc ? Who's that?
Fin ahk she's my little sis
Cc oh I didn't know you had a little sis.
Fin yeah we don't talk actually
Cc hm now that I think about it you've never mentioned any of your family
Fin I don't have a good relationship with my mother and our father is....gone sir
Cc oh I'm sorry to hear that
Fin no need to apologize it wasn't your fault sir
Cc How bout we go over and take to her? Starts to walk
Fin ah, I can't sir  cc stops and turns his head
Cc hm? Why not?
Fin we haven't seen each other for
Years sir
Cc hm, do you have a good bond with her?
Fin it's an ok bond?
Cc then let's go
Grabs fins hand and walks
So what's her name?
Fin Friand cookie sir
Cc that's a pretty name let's go of hand
Pecan and Friand say bye
Pecan walks away
Cc and fin come up
Hello Friand cookie
Friand looks to cc confused
And fin looks to the side nervous
Friand realization hits
Friand To what do I owe the honor? Bows with one hand
Cc haha no need for that
I noticed you and fin said you were her sister
Friand oh? I see
I'm surprised you recognized me.
Cc what do you mean by that,
shouldn't you be able to recognize your own sibling?
Fin well yes but Friand doesn't normally got to parties let alone wear formal cloths
not to mention Friand would have never come to the republic on her own sir
Friand sigh business called for it
Cc hehe you look so close together
May I ask what happened
Both look at cc nervously
Cc oh
Friand well that would be a long story to tell
Cc well it'd pass the time to this party
Friand well, I think it would be a story for another day
Fin she's right, the dance will also be starting soon sir.
Cc ?
But I don't participate in the dance?
Fin oh well sir..... there's my sister.
Friand wow your really putting this on me
I can't even dance
Cc nor can I
Both light chuckles
Friand besides Theres some people that are drunk
Man stumbles besides Friand
Like him
Friand looks very uncomfortable
Hey good looking care to dance
Friand no thank you I
Back away
Already have a dance partner
Takes cc hand then hugs his arm
Whispers I'm sorry
Ugh but he's not even a good dancer!
Walks towards Friand and cc
Friand Backs away more
Fin that's enough sir put arm in front of Friand and cc
I'll have to ask you to leave
Ugh hiccup fine
Walks away
Friand ah thank you lets go of cc arm
Fin your welcome, also how does drunk people protane to anything?
Friand I don't know, people are scary I also need excuses
Fin puts hand on head sighs
the Dance is announced
Music starts to play
Fin I still think you 2 should dance
It would show your father your actual participating in the party
Cc sigh fine blushes
Would you like to dance with me Friand?
As Friand takes ccs hand she turns and whispers I hate you
Fin has a large grin on her face
I know you do
Cc and Friand start to dance
Screen goes to pecan scanning for Friand
Sees Friand
Smiles and starts to walk towards her
Stops and is upset
She's dancing with cc?
That jerk! Always taking the girls
I swear if he breaks her heart I'm gonna kill him.
Walks towards the doors onto the balcony
Looks out at the landscape
Mint leaf cookie appears to the left side of him
Well hello pecan cookie
Startles pecan
Who are you? How do you know my name?
You can call me mint leaf cookie or min for short
And I have my ways
Pecan what do you want
Min oh nothing I just overheard you talking
Your jealous, I assume you like her
Pecan yes I do have a problem?
Min oh no no, I just wanted to help you
A deal per say
Pecan what will I get?
Min you help my with cc and
In return you get the girl
Pecan how can I trust you?
Min simple you and I don't like cc,
I particularly want him out of my way
You get the girl Then we part ways
Pecan alright min but no harm should come to Friand
Puts hand out
Min alright
Min shakes pecan hand
It's a deal
Met me at xxx-xxxx-xxx by 7 o clock after the party
Pecan alright
Min enjoy your night pecan
Min leaves
Pecan looks uncertain
Pecan turns back to the landscape
Head hangs low
says Darn it pecan
Start to cry
Screen focus on cc and Friand laughing
Cc you know your not bad a dancing
Friand I could say the same for you.
(both Laugh)
Cc so what brought you to the republic?
Friand oh I had to come here for work,
It usual For me to jump around from place to place
Cc oh? is that so, what do you work in?
Friand mechanical things and coding
Cc sounds cool
Friand thanks, I had a passion for tinkering with things
When I was younger...
...Especially things I wasn't allowed to tinker with
cc Haha
I did something similar to that
But I just messed with things in general
No reason
Friand haha
Black screen, Friand, I wonder how long this will last
Cc Friand?
Friand oh sorry lost in thought
Cc haha it's okay

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