Chapter 66 (Aura)

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Note: Okay bullshit came up so I wasn't able to post as much as I wanted, but I'm still trying! Sorry for the wait, I'll try to post more to make it up to y'all.

       ♦️Selever + Julius♥️ + Sarvente💖

♦️I feel like this won't be so easy, keeping our appearances similar will also be a casualty possibly.

♥️"Umm Sarv? Question, how will we look like exactly? Like if you're gonna use a spell to change our appearance, what are we gonna look like?"

💖"Hmm, it depends what I think of and what I imagine you two to would look like, I'll have to take time to think about that. Thankfully we have that kind of time!"

♥️"We'll alright then! Thanks for allowing to have this opportunity again! And uhh, I'm sorry for the trouble I've caused to lead us to this point..."
Thanks to my bullshit we can't even look the way we do now...or go to our old school anymore. Seriously I have to control my anger...I've already killed two or three people because of it...

💖"Julius, in all honesty, you aren't the only one who's killed someone for your l- I mean friend! Friend."

♥️"Wait really!? You killed- wait what was that last thing-"

💖"Anyways! I've got to get thinking! You two go enjoy yourselfs- but don't you two go back to jumping to different universes again!"

♥️"We won't!"

♦️"Wasn't planning on it..."

💖"Good, now go ahead and have fun, I'll be here with Ruv."

♥️"Okay! Wanna head to your room?"

♦️"Nah, I actually wanna head back to the garden, I feel like I missed out a bit honestly."

♥️"Oh alright, let's go!"
I turn to start walking there, but quickly turn back around.
"Where's the garden again?"

I grab his hand, and start walking us down to the garden, he almost instinctively holds mine back, it was kinda cute...

♥️At this point I think I'm making it obvious that I really do like him...I know he likes me! That's a good thing! But I really have to start thinking how I can tell him I do. But not right now, not at the moment now that we're gonna be heading back to school. Maybe at the end of this year, well the end of this semester is really close, almost forget that it was.

♦️We make it to the garden after a short walk downstairs, me and Julius walk through the path down rows and rows of different flowers my mom had cared for through the years.

The garden is huge, mostly because non of the plants ever die, anything around our family basically becomes immortal at this point. All the plants are from different environments and biomes, the area they are placed in fits how that environment is.

Mom really loves the garden, so it's not a surprised that it's filled with life and an ever lasting aura, can't tell what it is tho. Honestly I don't think her and dad would've gotten together if it weren't for this place...

♥️Never thought I could've bin so fascinated by plants, this place has some type of feel to it, I can't describe it. It feels so warm and cozy, so secure and safe as well, I just can't get over the feeling. The chimes sound so beautiful, and a slight breeze comes from the open windows of the green house, it makes such an atmosphere.
"I can tell why all of you come to the feels so...unreal...I don't think I actually got to get a real feel of this place in the swap role universe. Well not like I could, lol."

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