Never say Never(W)

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First request! This ones anonymous! Enjoy


Hey guys so I have a yt channel where I lagit post Walker content, and yt videos on the cast and other actors! If you're interested pls copy this link and sub! Thanks for the support!

I giggled with Leena as she packed her bags for college, tossing her lucky soccer jersey. It was gonna hurt, to see her leave, she was the closest thing I had to an older sister, or even, a sister at all. I loved her dearly, but the person I knew it'd hurt the most would be walker. Even if he acted like it didn't, i'd notice the way his eyelids would flicker, or how he gulped everytime he'd tease her about it.

He'll come around on the last day to admit it i'm sure. 

Leena sighed as she shoved some stuff into a crate and sat on top of her suitcase for me to try and zip closed. 

"Y/n, you've gotta at least...Say something. Y'know? You could die tommarrow, God forbid; but you get what I mean."

I bit my lip, sitting back down on her bed.

"I'm a year older than him, it's kinda...different, no? With a guy being with a girl that's a year younger than him it's normal, but, when a girl dates a guy that's a year or two younger than herrrr...There could be some backlash."

Leena roles her eyes, standing in front of me and shaking my shoulders.

"And they're just haters girl. You've been in love with my little brother the moment you met him on set, and when I met you...You had this look in your eye. What you feel for him is pure, and I trust you. I know you wouldn't hurt em. Besides, it'd be your life, not the peoples online. Okay?"

I think for a bit, but formulate an answer because Leena was looking at me with those big blue longing eyes of hers.

"W-what if he doesn't like me back? Millions of girls are OBSESSED with him, i'd be stealing there shot a-and-"

"And you don't have one? Babes, just shut the hell up, please. I know my brother, if anything he's oblivious to your feelings for you, but he'll definetely like you back. I'm positive he finds you very attractive, but in a friend way because well, he's a boy."

I nod in agreement. 

"Walker will say yes honey, don't even fret. If anything he'll just look at you for a few seconds, and then answer. And if he says no, WHICH HE WONT, i'll be sure to talk some since into him. Never say never luv."

There's a knock at the door, and without waiting for an answer Walker walks into the room, and plops onto his sisters bed. 

"You need help?" He asked her casually. I blushed as I watched his pretty face look up at the ceiling. I wanted to throw my arms around him. When I looked at Leena she was giving me a knowing glance, and I could tell she was holding back a smile, which made me panic, and look at my lap.

"Not anymore, but i'm feeling kinda thirsty. You want anything?"

"Maybe some lemonade." Walker sighed.

"I-I'll go with you-" I began to say, but Leena pushed me back down.

"No, you stay right there. I need to make sure Walker doesn't steal anything."

Walker scuffs as I watch her wink at me, making the back of my neck hot while she left the room, and tightly closed the door.

"Hey Walker."


He seemed to be giving me the cold shoulder, which I was confused about since we were so 'close'. 

"You're upset about your sister, huh?"

He did that knowing gulp, and nodded. "I'm actually gonna miss her. It didn't feel real until today." 

I laid next to him, scared he'd sit up, but he didn't. In fact, he turned to his side, and rested his head on my chest, near to the end of my shoulder.

I sucked in a breath, for a second I thought I blacked out, or even died. I had to pinch myself to convince my body it was okay to breathe. 

"Is this okay?" He said. "I just...I just need someone who isn't gonna cry. I tried my parents but they're just as sad as me."

I smile. "You think I won't cry?" 

"No you problably will, just not in front of me. You're too proud for that." 

We share some giggles and then it's quiet again. "Y/n?"

Whispered Walker, looking up at me through those long dark lashes that were so defined those edits I secretly had in my phone couldn't even dipict them well. But I didn't look at him, because then we'd be close enough to kiss, so I looked at the wall beside me to the left.


"Do you, like me?"

I swallowed hard, I almost quickly sat up, quick to deny whatever allegations he would pull. But I managed to force out a laugh.

"As a friend, of course. Anything more than that, pffft, no."

It was silent, but I could still feel his eyes burning in my direction.

"Then, why won't you look at me?"

I don't answer, trying to steady my breathing without aborting whatever was happening right now.

"Look at me." He said, and like a spell took over me, I did. He smiled warmly, still watching me.

"You know what else gives it away? Your heart, it's beating really fast." 

I silently cursed my heart for telling on me.

"But it's okay, so is mine." He takes my left hand and places it on his chest for me to feel it thudding around.

I let out a breath. "You aren't talking about your sister anymore..."

"I'm doing this for her. A parting gift, so i'm saying I like you finally so she wont give me sisters guilt forever and always."

I smile at his hand still over mine on his chest. "I told her i'd admit feelings too, but not the way she made you do it ha."

Walker let out a breath. "Great, so we like each other, cool. I like you, you like me. All is merry."

Suddenly Leena entered with her drink. 

"Good Lord in heaven, it took you ages. I was close to just walking in and calling it quits. I thought you'd never say anything."

We both scramble away from each other, faces red. 

"You were there the whole time?" I panic.

"Where's MY drink?" Walker complained.

Leena stuck her tongue out at Walker and came to pat my back.

"Only enough to know you guys love me enough to do a really hard thing. Admit feelings to a crush. It was so cute. Now get out, I have goodbye letters to write and you two need to go play outside or something."

I look up at Walker, who gives me a lopsided smile.

We liked each other, hurray hurrah. 

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