Chapter 5 - Aaron gets some love

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"Alex said you wanted to talk?"Aaron asked Crow while eyeing his brother.

"Um...." Crow squeaked before looking toward Alex who stood at a distance and encouragingly gave him two thumbs up with a smile plastered on his face. "Yes, I did....Or I do...No wait...Just hear me out."

Aaron, unsure of what to do, caught Kaylee's eye, with her approving look and Alex's reassuring smile Aaron offered a slight grin and nodded.

" I think I owe you an apology" Crow said shamefully. " When I first arrived here everyone was so mad at you for...well what you did and they expressed it outwardly. So I guess I already assumed and had it deeply engraved that you were terrible, heartless, horri-"

" Yes I get the point" Aaron cut in, not eager to relive the guilt he felt.

"Right sorry, well I felt like I had to do something, and honestly I acted irrationally because I was scared to death that you would do something to Thisbe or Fifer. To conclude, I am sorry and I am convinced you proved yourself. So if you can forgive me, could we maybe forget about that and move on?"

Aaron seemed to be contemplating Crow's words. Then he smiled kindly. " I never blamed you, I knew my past would haunt me, and I am truly thankful that you can forgive me. Hopefully soon more people will change how they see me. So yes, let's move on, I don't hold any grudge against you. I am really grateful that you take care of Thisbe and Fifer so well too."

With that, Crow felt a great weight lift off his shoulders. They soon split; Crow to wake the twins and take them to the kitchens and Aaron saw that Kaylee had disappeared so he headed toward Alex..

"I told you people would come around," Alex smirked

"Yeah, I am glad he did, he seems like a nice kid, I think he and I could get along quite well," Aaron replied dreamily before taking his brother in a one-armed hug. Then he saw Kaylee's beautiful hair swishing near the mansion. She seemed to be sparring with another Artimean, practicing close combat with her sword. Although Artime had never seen a better swordsperson than her, she often met with Florence to hone her skills. When Aaron caught her eye, he stood mesmerized with her beauty, elegance, agility, poise, and technique. Meanwhile, when Kaylee caught Aaron's eyes she blushed and in a split second was knocked to the ground with her partner's sword at her neck, leading to her earning a lecture about focus from Florence. Alex snickered at his brother, earning a light punch from him.

Afterwards the brothers had walked to the lounge and were gulping down an orange cream drink each. "Do you think I should propose?" Aaron asked out of the blue.

Alex nearly choked on his drink at the sudden questions hurled at him.

"Oh wow I um....... I don't know. I don't know her like you do, but as an outsider seeing you both like this, I would say yes. But, I mean you have to understand your relationship. I think Sky and I are at a mutual understanding that we want to wait a few years, we are quite happy the way we are. But, if you think Kaylee wants to move forward, and if you are ready, then I will pick out a perfect room in the family hallway for you" Alex said, winking.

Aaron smiled, " I think I will."

Alex let out a dramatic breath, "good, I didn't want to influence you, but its about time!"


The next few days, Aaron made himself scarce. He rarely left the island of shipwrecks, and if he did it was to collect some tool or the other. He even missed a few meetups with Thisbe and Fifer, which they did not take well, and at long last he finished his project.

He showed it to Alex, who after he saw it decided that his brother was insanely talented and motivated Aaron to give it to his love. 


Alex, who had been eagerly awaiting the outcome of his brother's proposal sat in the lounge conversing with Sky. Everytime someone walked near them he jumped up expecting to see his brother with a million dollar smile, but he was disappointed each time as each time his friends joined the waiting group one by one. But his twin was still not present. After a few humorous conversations between the friends, Kaylee ran up to them at full speed with Aaron trailing behind her struggling to catch up. Kayle paused for a moment to catch her breath, and to wait for Aaron before holding her hand out to her friends (and now family) to see. As all the girls gushed over how beautiful the ring was and how thoughtful it was to engrave the sentimental words, the boys patted Aaron on the back (except Alex who embraced him tightly). 

When Carina and Sean arrived to see what the commotion was about and asked the group what was going on, Kaylee shrieked then hugged Aaron screaming, " I'M GETTING MARRIED!!!!!"

Author's Notes: Right well, I am PROBABLY, not going DEEP into the wedding scene. After this, there are probably going to be some jumps back and forth in time. And I will focus more on Thisbe and Fifer's childhood. Like when they are kids, then middle school then we jump back to elementary school, just to keep you guys excited, loving the fanfic, and on your toes! Bye for now! <3 

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