Chapter 8 - Stay

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Alex, Aaron, Sky, Samheed, and Lani had just returned from scouting Warbler. Copper, had approached Alex about moving there and watching over the island. As it turned out, numerous warblereans wanted to move back and for Copper to step into a leadership role there. Before executing their wishes, Alex and the others wanted to make sure no threats loomed in warbler before sending them to the island.

"Looks clear to me," Lani said. Samheed and Sky nodded their approval. Aaron and Alex shared a meaningful glance before nodding. Copper and Scarlet had rushed up to them to hear any news.

"Copper, the Island looks safe enough, if you still wish to go, Simber and Spike will take you there tomorrow morning" Alex said warmly. "Who are all planning to go?"

"Well me for sure, Sky too, Scarlet wants to tag along, a few warbler citizens, and a promising boy named Phoenix who will be my right hand," Copper replied.

Alex cringed when he heard Sky's name, of course she had spoken to him about it, but he wasn't sure he could bear to be away from her. He looked at the love of his life, a silent conversation passing between them.

"It's just temporary, I will be back before you know it" Sky whispered soothingly . Finally, Alex miserably gave a small nod. Lani offered to inform Simber and Spike, while Copper and Scarlet left to pack. Alex hoped to spend the rest of the time before Sky left with her, but realized when she followed Copper that Sky would also need to pack. Alex let out a long sigh. Aaron patted him on the shoulder. Then he dragged Alex towards the kitchen, but Alex retaliated wanting to sulk in his room. Aaron gave him a crooked smile "I haven't ate anything since we left for Warbler, and I know you haven't either."

"Not Hungry"

"Arghh, I'm starving, and my twin sense tells me my twin is too" Aaron groaned playfully.

In the kitchen Fifer sat, precariously close to the edge of the counter top, her face smeared with Huckleberry Jam. Seeing her twin brothers, she reached for them excitedly and fell off the counter top. Luckily, both Alex and Aaron dove and caught her before she hit the ground.
"Heyo" she said innocently.

In the other side of the kitchen, Thisbe found the knives and unknowingly nearly chopped her hand off. Both Aaron and Alex were to far to reach and they screamed in panic, but Samheed stopped Thisbe before she carried out the swift stroke.

Aaron and Alex fumed. "Where is Crow! Who is supposed to be watching them?!"

Samheed sheepishly looked at Alex.

"You?"Aaron asked incredulous, "they couldn't have asked literally anybody else?"

Samheed marched up to Aaron visibly put off, hence leaving Thisbe unattended again. Before she could try any shenanigans, her big brother Alex ran across the room to her, pushed the knives out of site, and nuzzled her.

"Sam, what on earth are you doing?" Alex exclaimed.

Samheed scowled at Aaron and turned to Alex his face immediately twisting with guilt, "Crow, went out to find you, and since I was the only person close by he said to watch them for a minute and ran off before I could agree! I've....never been around children before" He said more softly.

Crow arrived, "Hey Alex, I was looking for you, it true my mom and sister are going to Warbler?" Alex nodded still quite frustrated. "Oh...uh is it alright if I go with them? Some of my stuff is still there and I want so see the island again. I know someone else would need to watch the girls when I am gone but, I really would like to go there again. Just for a little bit, to be back in Warbler with both of them would be kind of nice, please Alex?"

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