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When Jungkook walked through the door, the whole house was in an uproar. He could hear his mother shouting orders from the living room, and the few servants they had at home were running around. He barely had time to close the door behind him before his mother burst into the hall, and she didn't look happy at all. That was part of the reason why Jungkook was dreading this evening.

"Where have you been?" she asked him like an interrogation. "Why are you back so late?"

Jungkook frowned, and couldn't help glancing at his phone to see what time it was: past 5pm.

"I was in class." He replied with the insolence that made him so detestable.

However, contrary to what would have been customary, this answer didn't seem to satisfy his mother, Jeon Hyeri.

"And you couldn't just skip it? You know how important this evening is for you and your brother!" she accused him, almost red with anger.

Jungkook sighed. He and his twin brother, Jongsu, had turned eighteen a few months ago, so their parents had organised a coming-of-age ceremony, as was the custom in high society. And it was to take place tonight. However, Jungkook didn't want to take part at all, but his mother didn't feel the same way. She'd been putting all her energy into organising this party for two months, and it was so important to her that you had to wonder who this evening was more important to: her children, or her? Jungkook already knew the answer, but he wouldn't say it.

"I don't see why I should have skipped today more than any other day. And what's the problem? I'm here now, so stop shouting..."

His mother was about to reply, but she was cut off by one of the servants coming to ask her a question. Jungkook took the opportunity to slip away, climbing the stairs two steps at a time to get to his room more quickly. At least he'd be left alone there.

"You've managed to upset Mom again."

Or maybe today, luck really wasn't on his side. Jungkook stopped dead in his tracks as his hand came to rest on the handle of his bedroom door. The teenager closed his eyes, holding back a frustrated sigh, and turned around. He came face to face with a teenager with black hair like his own. Although their faces were not identical, there was an extreme resemblance. They had to be brothers, there was no doubt about it, even if the boy looked smaller and frailer than Jungkook. Paler too, and yet Jungkook was already renowned for his milky skin.

"I certainly don't need you to see it, Jongsu." Jungkook replied curtly.

Jongsu looked at him blankly for a moment, before letting out a long, sad-looking sigh.

"I know you don't want this ceremony, Kook, but at least make an effort for Mom and Dad."

Despite Jongsu's gentle, affectionate tone, Jungkook's eyes darkened and he gritted his teeth, like a dog curling its lips in rage.

"Firstly, don't call me that." the boy spat. "I've never given you permission to give me a nickname. Secondly, I don't give a damn about pleasing Mom and Dad. All I want is for them to leave me alone."

Jungkook turned towards his door again and opened it wide to enter his room. However, he turned to his brother one last time before doing so.

"Oh, and stop pretending to be nice to me. It already makes me puke in front of the parents, but when it's just the two of us, it makes me want to smash your face against a wall."

He didn't wait for a reply from Jongsu before locking himself in his room, so he missed the way his brother's face changed from one of concern and compassion to one of haughtiness and deep disgust.

When Jungkook closed the door behind him, his gaze immediately fell on the suit lying delicately on his bed. It was the outfit his mother had prepared for that famous evening. The suit was nothing exceptional, a simple dark blue two-piece, but you could see just from a quick look that the fabric was of the highest quality. It must have been extremely expensive, which only made Jungkook angrier. Why spend so much money on a new outfit when he already had plenty that would have done the job, and above all... it was irresponsible when you knew the financial difficulties his father's company was facing. This ceremony had really come at the worst possible time. It was totally irresponsible to spend so much money on such a ridiculous event.

Jungkook dropped heavily onto his bed, taking care not to crease the suit, and immediately buried his face in one of his pillows. Now in a silent and calm atmosphere, he couldn't help but think and wonder if he wasn't overreacting a bit. At the same time, he'd been really on edge recently.

Because he wasn't there with him.

If he'd been there, by his side, during the ceremony, things might have been different. The evening might have been more bearable. But he'd been in the army for a year and a half now, and he'd only seen him a few times in all that time. He would be back soon, but the wait was becoming unbearable. And Jungkook wasn't renowned for his patience. He wanted to cry. He'd felt so alone since he'd left. Even though he had his friends, Bangtan, whom he considered to be his real family, nobody understood him as well as he did. If he didn't come home soon, Jungkook would end up exploding. He had become a real time bomb.

Just as he was fighting back tears, Jungkook heard a knock on the door. Couldn't his mother let him breathe for two minutes? He'd only just got home, he just wanted her to leave him alone for a bit.

"It's okay, you don't have to watch me, I'm going to get ready, so just leave me alone for five fucking minutes!"

He heard the door open in response, and close again immediately. However, no one shouted or spoke. The room remained completely silent. Jungkook found this suspicious, so he quickly straightened up and turned towards the door. And his anger dissipated a little when he saw who was there. It was a man, rather tall, at least taller than Jungkook, with a rather slim body despite his broad shoulders. His brown hair, usually rather long, was carefully styled with gel, giving him the appearance of a gentleman. The effect was reinforced by the fine suit he was wearing.

"Jin hyung..."

"What the fuck? Is that how you normally talk to your mother?" Jin simply asked, with a slightly mocking look on his face.

Jungkook give a small smile. He couldn't help it, Seokjin had that kind of effect on him. At the same time, Jin was his big brother, the only one in the family who had always stood up for him. But now that he'd married and left home, Jungkook found himself alone against everyone far too often.

As Jungkook sat more normally on the bed, making room for his brother, the latter joined him, settling in beside him. The older man glanced quickly at the suit beside them, smiling slightly.

"She really went all out." he remarked with a laugh.

Jungkook rolled his eyes.

"It's getting on my nerves. I don't want to go at all, Hyung."

"I'm sure you don't, Kook, but think about it. Just one evening and then she'll leave you alone. It's important for Mom: this ceremony is her last link with the Seoul elite. With the difficulties Jdesign is experiencing, its reputation begins to fade."

Jungkook was well aware of this. And even though he had a lot to reproach to his mother, he felt a little sorry to see her struggling like this for a simple ceremony. He just didn't like the way she always made him out to be the ungrateful son who never took other people's feelings into account. As if Jungkook didn't have feelings.

The teenager let out a long sigh, before getting up and heading towards the suit.

"All right, I get it. I'll be good, just for tonight..."

Jin couldn't contain a satisfied smile.

"Thanks, Kook."


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