- Fourth -

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Sorry for the long wait, yesterday was a rough day... But I'm feeling much better now, so here's the new chapter🥰


Everyone turned to see who had barged into their conversation, and no sooner had Jungkook laid eyes on the newcomer than they lit up. His heart skipped a beat, and he even had to restrain himself from shedding a tear. It wasn't a dream, was it? He was really there, right in front of him? He could hardly believe it.


The man's gaze fell on Jungkook too, and he softened immediately when he saw the teenager. Jongsu instinctively took a few steps back, moving as far away as possible without appearing suspicious. Because this man had always been hostile to him, he represented a danger to him. So he preferred to keep his distance.

"Taehyung? Weren't you supposed to be back next week?" Hoseok asked innocently, as everyone stared at the man as if they'd seen a ghost.

Kim Taehyung. The youngest son in the Kim family, and Namjoon's younger brother. He was almost as tall as his brother, a good six feet, with dark eyes and wavy brown hair, all harmonised by his slightly tanned skin. He was handsome, a true living god, and it was for this reason that Jongsu had often tried to attract his attention. But he had always remained unmoved by his advances. This man only seemed to have eyes for a certain capricious person.

"I did a few favours and they let me go home early." Taehyung replied.

However, his gaze was riveted on Jungkook. And if up until now the teenager had been able to hold his head high with insolence, now his cheeks were as red as poppies, and the man's intense gaze forced him to lower his eyes. Seeing him react like that, Taehyung couldn't suppress a smirk. He soon joined him and put his hand around the boy's waist, suddenly pulling him back against him. If Jungkook thought he couldn't blush any more, he was wrong. Seeing Taehyung again after all this time, his body reacted to the slightest touch. He could feel his legs trembling with emotion, and they would surely give up soon.

Once Jungkook was secure against him, Taehyung turned to Jongsu, a defiant look in his eyes. The twin hadn't taken his eyes off them for a moment, and since Taehyung's arrival, he'd lost all confidence and insolence. He was strangely calm, glaring at Taehyung.

"I almost forgot, happy birthday, Jongsu." Taehyung said. "I called Jungkook to celebrate his, but yours completely slipped my mind! I hope you'll forgive me."

The man held back a laugh when he saw a vein pulsing in Jongsu's temple. He had come to humiliate his brother, and now he was the centre of attention, mocked by a man who shouldn't even have been there. Jongsu had cried to his mother for the ceremony to take place as soon as possible, precisely to make sure that Kim Taehyung wouldn't be able to attend. The evening should have been perfect. He should have been the star, while Jungkook would have been left in the corner, alone and humiliated. Taehyung had ruined everything. Again.

Still, he forced a smile, quickly regaining his good boy facade.

"Of course, Taehyung hyung. Who could blame you?"

Taehyung laughed openly, adding to the humiliation Jongsu was suffering. He glanced quickly at the man accompanying him, Sunmin if he remembered correctly, but the man only looked away, as if he didn't want to get involved. He was the first to cling on Jongsu, proud to be a Jeon's favourite, but when it came to helping and defending him, there was no one left. Taehyung didn't like that kind of coward.

Seeing that the situation was about to get out of hand, Jin stepped in, turning to his younger brother.

"Jongsu, I think Mum's looking for you, you'd better go back to her..."

The boy stared at Jin for a moment, his expression unreadable, before nodding. He turned, giving Sunmin a quick nod that they were leaving, then walked away without saying anything more, even though the anger was evident on his face.

Everyone then turned to Taehyung, throwing themselves at him and bombarding him with questions.

"Why didn't you say you were coming home early!" Jimin exclaimed.

"So, how was the army? When I think it's going to be my turn soon..." shivered Hoseok.

"For once, I'm really glad that my shoulder injury is doing me some good..." replied Yoongi, who was exempt from military service.

Jungkook automatically stepped aside, naturally leaving the group to take their places around Taehyung. After all, he'd been away for a year and a half. Even though he'd been back for a few days from time to time, his absence had still weighed heavily on everyone. Now that he was back, Bangtan, their old group of friends, was finally complete. Of course they were euphoric.

However, Jungkook didn't have time to get very far, as Taehyung immediately pulled him back against him, leaving him no escape. If Jungkook had missed the man, the feeling was mutual. A year and a half without the teenager, seeing him from time to time, just some hours before going back, was torture.

"I'll tell you all about it later, I promise..." began Taehyung.

The other five immediately understood what he meant, and they all glanced at the teenager in his arms, who was as red as a poppy. Jungkook had been in a bad mood for a year and a half, throwing tantrum after tantrum, so it was nice to see him calm at last.

"Let's have a barbecue tomorrow." suggested Namjoon. "Jin and I have just bought one."

"That's a great idea!" exclaimed Hoseok. "Well, we'll leave you two lovebirds to it, we know we're bothering you..."

Everyone laughed at the remark, including Taehyung, while Jungkook blushed even more. They all patted Taehyung on the shoulder and then walked away, Yoongi pulling Jimin away from the alcohol, to Hoseok's mockery. Apparently, it was going to be an eventful evening for them too.

When they were finally alone, Taehyung separated himself from the teenager for a moment, grabbing him by the hand and leading him away to one of the balconies, out of sight. And no sooner had he closed the French window behind him than he pulled Jungkook against him, wrapping his arms around him and placing both hands on his hips. The teenager shivered; he'd lost the habit of his touches.

"Jungkook, look at me." the man ordered in a deep voice.

The boy complied immediately, with an adorable pout.

"Don't call me that, Hyungie..." muttered the teenager sulkily.

Jungkook was absolutely adorable, and this simple thought brought a tender smile to Taehyung's lips. He leaned over and placed a soft kiss on the boy's lips.

"I've missed you so much, my baby." he murmured, his warm breath caressing Jungkook's milky skin.

"I missed you too, Hyungie. It was so hard without you..."

Taehyung couldn't resist kissing him again, this time longer, more tenderly.

"This evening is such a bore..." muttered the man. "Why don't we leave, darling? We've got a lot of catching up to do..."

Jungkook's eyes lit up and he nodded frantically. Nothing could compete with an evening with Taehyung, and certainly not this ridiculous ceremony.

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