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No proof reading so ignore my mistakes

Taehyung sighed he watched the old man who were laying on the bed wearing hospital clothes. The man were time to time coughing. Taehyung felt bad too.

"Doctor uncle, what happened to you? You were healthy back then, then what happened?" The doctor coughed again.

"I had lukemia way back then, I think my old age triggered it, I was okay-- was okay then, I don't what suddenly happened to me, anyways am I still gonna live further tae? No right?"

"Don't say like that uncle--

"Young man like you, who has very kind heart meant to be live longer, with your happy family. I would like to prefer one of my junior, he will help you to find any way to get rid of this already." The doctor murmured while adjusting his cannula.

"Actually my hyungs already booked consultation in abroad. We will leave soon, I was going to let you know this-- but then these happened with you." The old man smiled finally. And he let out a breath.

"I'm so glad your hyungs cares you more than anyone else. Don't waste time, just start your therapy." Taehyung nodded.


Taehyung drives towards his home with a blurry vision. His body exhausted to his death. He stopped the car, with some important files he walked towards his room, he saw Jimin and bogum were talking to eachother, they always does this. Bogum 's cousin already left to his home town, bogum choosed to stay here with them.

Every evening when taehyung returns to home he could find bogum sitting on the couch, maybe he's on call with his lover, or he talks with jimin.

But today something is off. Their face isn't pleasant, not happy---- they were worried for something.

"Hey" taehyung greets them, jimin visibly gulped down his saliva and eyes bogum.

"Hey tae, how was your day?" Taehyung just smiled and said "it's was okay" but bogum was awfully silent.

"Where's jungkook?" Jimin avoided eye contact with him.

"Jungkook isn't home, when you left he--- he went out...he said h-he is going to meet someone" taehyung nodded. His baby must be tired of everything, he must be wanted some fresh air.

He thoughts.

"Who's Jiwoon?" Taehyung got stuck on his path. He looked at bogum.


"Jiwoon, jungkook went to meet him." Taehyung gulped, he bites his lip due to nervous.

"Jiwoon and jungkook are in relationship. They likes eachother" bogum closed his eyes. Jimin squeezed his own hands together.

"Jiwoon--- jungkook left for meet him" jimin whispered.

"Let 'em. I was waiting for this day finally jungkook find outs actually whom he wanted to live with. Im--- I'm glad he chose Jiwoon instead of me" taehyung said with a smile, he walked towards his own room with a heavy heart.

Taehyung closed the door behind, and clutches his chest while letting the tears down.

"F-finally!" Taehyung's broken sound of his heart echoed in the dark room. His shirt became loose on him.

"A-am I free now? No-- not me, jungkook he's finally chose Jiwoon instead of m-me." Taehyung smiled through his tears.

"He chose Jiwoon not me" he whispered again with the same smile on his pale face. He stood up and sat on the bed

"He chose Jiwoon not me!! Why?" Taehyung let the tears flow over his rosey cheeks.

"Whyyyy!!!?" He cried and cried, the dark clouds began to pour water on the earth finally. Thunder sounds were echoed in the room throughout.

"W-why? I love him---- I LOVE HIM!!" he sobbed while holding a fist of hairs. He muffled his sobs in his palms.

"G-god why did you do this to me!!!? It was my pleasure then--- that Time I didn't had kook in my life, I begged you to take my life didn't I!???? Because I was orphan guy that time!!!

All you do that to take my happiness before I got a glimpse of it, you--- you fucking take away my parents from me--- then you gave a life thread, a life--- which I wanted!!! Exactly what I wanted!!! A life with my jungkook!!!

My kookie

Now what!? You are gonna take it that too! Are you fucking happy to see my tears!!! I'm fucking tired of everything!!! Y-you can take anything--- but a-atleast gimme some more time to spend time with my love----

Oh God I fucking hate you!!! Jungkook again went to him!!! Jiwoon--- he, he's not worthy of his love!! All jungkook deserves me!!! My love!!! C-can't you see!?" Taehyung sobbed ugly. He screamed loudly, punched the bed with hard fists.

"I----I h-hate you God " he cried again and again.

At least his God gave time till now for spending more time with jungkook no? Isn't that he wanted yesterdays? Now he's accusing his god for not giving a life now,

"I'm sorry my Lord, I fucking don't know what to say--- I'm sorry please " he cried while holding his chest.

The loud screams was echoed out from taehyung's room, Jimin's eyes also betrayed him, he looked at bogum who were standing behind of him.

"M-my baby is broken again--- what's now?" He asked.

"You should answer us jungkook--- we didn't want this-- tears in his eyes, he deserves better jungkook, why did you choose this path?" Bogum asked the man behind of them.

"B-because, if I didn't pushed him away from me---then he will leave me soon and don't come back never again--- I want you guys to force him to go with you--- to start his therapy.

If I didn't act like this--- he will only stick to me, not give a fuck about his life. Accuse me, blame me for nothing---- accuse me for cheating infront of him, make me a bad guy--- fucking bad guy again, don't give a fuck about my feelings--- make him hate me jimin, make him run away from me, make him understand the thing-- love yourself, and let him hate me, Make him regret for marrying me, regrets being my guardian, regrets for loving me----

Make him don't love me again-----

Please run away with him, give a life to him please i---- I beg you...leave as soon as possible." Jungkook cried while saying this--- a hour ago he was happy to confess his love for Taehyung.

After reading the diary, his world stopped. His taehyung is sick--- and he's getting sick because of him. Taehyung wanted him to become what once he told him

" make me rich tae, I want my own company, I wanted to shower in money "

He hates him more than anything right now. For give him everything, taehyung chose jungkook over his health----

Hurt people hurt people.

Let'em go, if your love and life causes only harm to them---- give them happy life, instead of leeching on a kind hearted person people like him who doesn't have anything, no heart, no feelings, no family, no happiness

Should let them leave from him, and give an opportunity to chose themselves.

Maybe this seperation only cause a happy life for one and ending life for the other.

Anyways if taehyung can give him everything include his love with his pure heart, then jungkook can leave the other for a better life that only give taehyung to smile again,I've happily then

Jungkook will let taehyung go far away from him. But he's not ready to let go taehyung to heaven, he should live more---- maybe more than him.

Author Kim
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