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We arrived at the scene after a few minutes, Voight told Jay and Erin to go up to the door and talk to someone by the name of Rev while the rest of us stayed back by the cars.

"Is this what normally happens? Wait here and listen in on what's happening?" I asked and Voight told me to be quiet while we listened in on the conversation.

We heard Erin say that they'd come back later for Rev and I watched as they walked away from the apartment Rev should've been staying in which was a sign for us to get out the car and meet them and the rest of the team round the corner from where the apartment was which his when Jay and Erin explained everything to us.

"So you thought you saw blood? If it is blood then you made the right call coming back" I said to Erin and she nodded.

"But just because you think it's blood doesn't mean we can just barge in there" Jules said and I sighed knowing she was right.

"What if it isn't blood and it's a barbeque marinade sauce for a chicken" Antonio said and I pulled a face which made Jay laugh causing me to look at him and smile.

"I say we go and check it out, see if that guy knows something" Olinsky said and we all agreed while Voight called for Kim and Kevin to be ready in case we needed back up.

"So how you finding the team so far Bella?" Jay asked as we walked to the apartment.

"Better than being with the FBI" I said and he nodded.

"Were they that bad?" Erin asked and I nodded, remembering how boring it was working there.

"Yeah, because I was in a unit filled with men they just dumped paperwork on me, never had much field time but-" I didn't get to finish my sentence as we were being shot at so we pulled out our guns and aimed at where the bullets were coming from.

"Get the long guns!" Voight shouted while me, Erin and Jules still had our guns pointed at the apartment where the bullets were coming from.

When Jay and Olinsky came back with the guns and something to knock the door down with, we all approached the apartment before going either side of Rev's apartment door.

"Go back inside!" Olinsky shouted to some people who had come out of their home to see what was going on and I saw a little girl trying to come upstairs.

"Stay downstairs, don't come up" I said to the girl before watching her climb back down the stairs.

When Voight gave Olinsky the signal, he broke down the door and we entered the apartment which seemed to be slightly messy but not to the point we couldn't search the place.

"Clear!" I shouted as I checked a room while Erin shouted that she found a body.

Antonio went to check the body and came back to us and Confirmed it was Rev's body, just as he confirmed it, there was a noise from behind me, I turned around and pointed my gun at the door where the noise came from.

Jules came up to the door and looked at us before opening it and we were met with a young boy sitting there looking somewhat scared but that's probably because we had our guns pointed at him.

𝐇𝐄𝐑 𝐓𝐎𝐘 𝐒𝐎𝐋𝐃𝐈𝐄𝐑 - 𝐉𝐀𝐘 𝐇𝐀𝐋𝐒𝐓𝐄𝐀𝐃Where stories live. Discover now