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I never thought the day would come where I'd be standing in a court testifying against my mom and trying to get full custody of my sisters, at first when I thought about it, I thought it would never have to come to this but here we are.

"Arabella?" I looked over at Voight who had agreed to be there with me for the trial.

After Jay and I left the precinct that day, they discovered my mom was the one to kill the guy who had stuffed Henry Wells into the cupboard so now on top of drug possession and child neglect, she was also facing homicide charges alongside them.

"Yeah Hank?" I saw Voight come over to me and sit down, laying a reassuring hand on my shoulder.

"I'm proud with how well you've handled this, it's not easy to have to go through this alone" Voight said and I sighed.

"I didn't really go through this alone though Hank, I had you, my sisters and our team helping me out together all of this" I said, showing him the file of evidence to get my mom out in prison and get me full custody of my sisters.

"I'm still proud of you and I know your dad would be proud too" Voight said and I nodded, thinking about how dad would be reacting to all of this.

Would he be angry with mom for letting her addiction get this far?

Would he be proud of me for looking out for Kayleigh and Isabelle?

Finally after an anxiously long time waiting, the trial finally started, it started off with Voight and I giving evidence of mom's addiction and her being the one to kill Henry Wells and then it was time for the custody part of the trial.

"Can we please ask for Kayleigh Iris to give her statement to the court" I watched as Kayleigh went to the seat next to the judge and began answering his questions.

"So you and your little sister Isabelle lived with Meredith Iris is that correct?" The judge asked Kayleigh after she swore to tell the truth like everyone else has to do.

"That is correct your honour" Kayleigh replied, staying formal like Erin and I told her.

"And is it correct that due to Meredith Iris being in possession of drugs, you and Isabelle Iris would be left to look after yourselves?"

"That is correct, she would be on drugs for days on end and during that time, I would have to feed Isabelle, keep her warm, change her and do everything a mother should have done for their child" Kayleigh explained.

"Miss iris can you please explain the events of the day that Miss Arabella Iris came to your aid?"

"Of course your honour, just like everyday, mom would be with her boyfriend Chris Erickson from six o'clock in the morning, I'd get myself dressed in any clothes that were somewhat clean, I'd help Isabelle get ready for the day too, we went downstairs and saw mom and Chris getting high and injecting themselves with something I could only assume were more drugs he'd bought with mom's money, I tried to stop Isabelle from seeing it but she started screaming and crying because of what she was seeing, Chris started threatening us and started beating us while mom put herself into a corner of the room" Kayleigh said before mom decided to start shouting over Kayleigh.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06 ⏰

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