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We had been on the case to find Antonio's son Diego for the last couple hours, so far all we know is that the people who kidnapped Diego want Adres Diaz released first and then Diego would be set free.

"Well we can't free Pulpo cause there's always a chance he could go beheading people again and there's also a chance we may not get Diego back" I said as we stood around the board, trying to think of what to do.

"So we just sit around and wait for the answers to come to us Iris? My son is being held hostage and you can't come up with an idea on how to save him!" Antonio said before he got in my face, only to be slapped by me.

"Dawson I know your damn son is being held hostage! I want nothing more than to get the kid back but shouting at me won't help so either you keep your cool or stay the fuck away from me, understood detective?" I said in a cold tone, watching him nod in acknowledgement.

"Remind me not to piss her off" I heard Adam Ruzek whisper to someone which made me smirk.

Getting Diego back took about a day but we finally managed to get him back and he was finally reunited with Antonio and the rest of his family, it was nice to see.

"So is this the experience you thought you would be getting?" Adam asked me after I told him how I joined the unit.

"Not really, I expected it to be way different you know? I expected it to be more like the FBI but it's more free" I said and he nodded before grabbing his bag while I grabbed mine from the locker.

"So how are you and the fiancé?" I asked and he smiled before trying to tell me a detailed story about him and Wendy.

"Hey Bella, you ready to go?" Jay asked and I nodded before saying goodbye to Adam and walking out with Jay.

"I love the guy but I was getting bored of hearing him talk about Wendy, it's sweet though cause he seems genuinely in love with her" I said before we got into my car.

"So I was wondering..." Jay started as we drove away from the District.

"Go on, what were you wondering about Halstead?" I asked as I turned a corner and ended up outside Molly's.

"You know how you said you cut contact with your mom?" Jay asked as we got out of the car and walked to the door.

"Yeah well once we're inside I'll explain okay?" I said as Jay held the door open for me.

"Yeah...hey Otis, bought our newest member to try out a drink from here" Jay said as he greeted the man he called Otis.

"Nice to meet you Otis, I'm Arabella" I said and he shook my hand before taking our orders for drinks.

"So... about your mom?" Jay asked before Otis served us both our beers.

"Yeah...so my mom... she used to be a drug addict when she was sixteen, got disowned for being a drug addict and then lived on the streets for sometime...dad met her at the rehab centre, he came to see his sister and he fell in love with my mom...few years later my mom was clean and got outta there and ended up getting with my dad and when he'd go on deployment... she'd use...I was born a few years into their relationship and at the time my mom was pregnant with me...she was using but no one knew...after my sister's were born and dad died, her drug addiction got worse so I had to leave.." I said, years welling up in my eyes and Jay laid a gentle hand on my shoulder.

"Hey...I'm sorry I asked... you're tough, you know that right?" He said before I wiped my tears away.

"It's fine, all these years of not talking about it...it just feels nice to tell someone about it, lifts a weight from my shoulders you know?" I said, Jay nodded before we decided to go home after getting to know each other more and having some more drinks.

𝐇𝐄𝐑 𝐓𝐎𝐘 𝐒𝐎𝐋𝐃𝐈𝐄𝐑 - 𝐉𝐀𝐘 𝐇𝐀𝐋𝐒𝐓𝐄𝐀𝐃Where stories live. Discover now