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I got my sisters up the next morning, explaining to them how they needed to come to the District to answer some questions for Voight and the team, Kayleigh seemed fine with it but Isabelle seemed scared but after Kayleigh and I reassured her, she seemed to be more okay with the idea.

"What do you guys want for breakfast?" I asked as I carried Isabelle to the table with Kayleigh following behind us.

"Pancakes?" Isabelle asked and I nodded, giving my little sister a smile.

"Yeah I can make pancakes, you want pancakes Kayleigh?" I asked and she nodded as she sat next to Isabelle.

I started making the pancake batter while my sisters had a conversation about random things, I hadn't noticed my phone go off until I saw Kayleigh reach for it and smirk before throwing it over in my direction, luckily I caught it and gave her a confused look.

"Lover boy messaged you" Kayleigh said and I rolled my eyes before checking my phone.

"He's not my boyfriend Kayleigh, I told you this last night" I said as I read the message from Jay, he asked if he should pick me and the girls up from my apartment.

"I say let him shoot his shot" I looked back at my sister before answering Jay, I thanked him for his offer but I'd be okay making my own way to the District with the girls and he replied saying it was fine.

Once the pancakes were ready the girls started eating them while I went and got ready for work, the girls had gotten themselves ready before breakfast so I didn't have to worry about that.

Once I was ready I went back out to the girls and found their dishes in the sink and both of them were sitting on the couch watching TV.

"Kay, Issy, let's get going" I said before Isabelle asked me to carry her which I agreed to do.

We got our coats on and walked out of my apartment, going to my car after I locked the front door, Kayleigh says in the front with me while Isabelle sat in the back after they fought over who was sitting where.

We soon got to the District and once we arrived, we went into the building and was met with Trudy but she looked really annoyed for some reason.

"Hey Trudy, how are you?" I asked as I walked my sisters to the desk Trudy was at.

"If Burgess and Atwater weren't annoying me then I'd be perfectly fine, are these girls your sisters?" I nodded and smiled at Isabelle and Kayleigh.

"Yeah, this is Isabelle and this is Kayleigh, Voight wanted me to bring them in so he could ask them some questions about yesterday" I said and she nodded before sending us three upstairs.

"Does she always look moody?" Kayleigh whispered to me as I put the code into the pad and scanned my hand so the gate to go upstairs opened.

"Depends, if someone's annoyed her then yeah if not then she's normally okay" I said as I led her and Isabelle upstairs.

"Look who finally showed up" Erin said before hugging me and saying hello to my sisters.

"Would've been earlier had these two not fought over who sat in the front with me" I said and Erin laughed before Isabelle hugged Erin which made me smile.

𝐇𝐄𝐑 𝐓𝐎𝐘 𝐒𝐎𝐋𝐃𝐈𝐄𝐑 - 𝐉𝐀𝐘 𝐇𝐀𝐋𝐒𝐓𝐄𝐀𝐃Where stories live. Discover now