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After watching the girls get taken to med, I went over to Voight who was talking to Adam about something, he noticed me coming over and asked to take a walk with me.

"So from what Kayleigh told me, the guy holding her and Isabelle hostage was Chris Erickson, had some trouble with some gangs and she had no idea there was a body in the kitchen, I was gonna ask her more but both her and Isabelle needed to go to med" I said and Bought nodded before looking at me.

"You sure you want to be on this case?" Bought asked and I nodded.

"I don't care if it's a family related case, I wanna help Hank" I said and Bought smiled at me before Kim came over.

"Got an ID on our dead guy, name is Henry Wells, was a marine for five years and was reported missing a month ago" Kim said and I looked confused.

"Get his body to the morgue" Voight said and Kim nodded before going to do so.

"Why would a dead marine be in their home?" I asked and Voight sighed, shaking his head.

"Just focus on your sisters for the moment, we have your mom so we'll interrogate her and see what she knows, just get to med" I nodded and went over to my car and before I got in, I remembered something.

I went back inside the house and went upstairs to Isabelle's room and searched around before finally finding what I was looking for, her stuffed bear that I got her for her first birthday, she named him Mr Buttons because of his button eyes.

"Found what you're looking for?" Olinsky asked from behind me and I looked at him.

"Yeah, wanted to find this for Isabelle, I gave this to her just before I left for Seattle, she never left this bear alone after she got it, thought she might want it for while she's at med" I explained and he nodded before leaving me in my sister's room.

I left the house and went to my car with the bear in hand, I got in and placed the bear in the passenger seat next to me before driving off to med to see my sisters.

When I got to med, I parked the car and got out, going up to the front desk where Maggie was and when she saw me, she smiled at me.

"Hey Maggie, have you seen my sister's Isabelle and Kayleigh Iris?" I asked and she nodded before leading me into a room where both my sisters were with Dr Natalie Manning.

"Hey, you must be their older sister Arabella? I'm Dr Natalie Manning, from what I can see from the results of the MRI scans and x-rays both haven't got any internal damage however both need to get stitches but they refuse to go anywhere a needle" Natalie explained and I sighed, knowing why they didn't want to get stitches.

"Hey girls, it's gonna be okay, Natalie won't hurt you, it's to help heal your cuts okay?" I said as I looked both Kayleigh and Isabelle in the eyes.

"If you both want, I'll stay with you while you get it done?" I suggested and Isabelle nodded while Kayleigh sighed.

"Fine, let me go first so I can get it over with" Natalie smiled and got another doctor in the room who started working on giving my sister her stitches first.

After Kayleigh got her stitches done, it was Isabelle's turn but she refused to let the doctor near her and just as I was trying to get her to get her stitches done, jay knocked on the door to the room.

𝐇𝐄𝐑 𝐓𝐎𝐘 𝐒𝐎𝐋𝐃𝐈𝐄𝐑 - 𝐉𝐀𝐘 𝐇𝐀𝐋𝐒𝐓𝐄𝐀𝐃Where stories live. Discover now