Chapter 11 | | Significance

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Word spread that I had joined the Student Council as Vice President number 2 so my popularity was unfortunately increasing - along with the fact that I beat Manabu in a race during the Sports Festival. With my popularity increasing it meant that... there were a lot more eyes on me. Of course, having more eyes on you is not a good thing but what makes it worse was whose eyes were on me.

Females. And far too many.

Of course, I was pondering all of this whilst having my head down on my desk whilst 'being asleep'.

"Kiyotaka." A voice called out to me and suddenly - it reminded me of something that had happened earlier this year.

I done the most logical thing I could think of - continuing to pretend to sleep. Would this play out like last time?

Perhaps she will wake me up with a kiss...

"Kiyotaka if you do not get up this instant, you will have precisely 999 holes from your dear nemesis in the next 10 seconds."

Would she really?


Her feelings for me far outweigh the feelings to negatively harm me, do they not?


If I remain asleep, do you think she'd actually stab me? We have grown incredibly close.


Surely she wouldn't.


Perhaps she would suddenly forget about stabbing me and be enamoured by the sight of my face...


Well, the countdown is getting closer and closer which means that my demise is only closer should she not get enamoured by my face.


Maybe waking me up with a kiss was too far fetched...


And then it suddenly struck me.

Horikita Suzune did not ever wait until 1.

"You're not going to wake me with a kiss? It usually works in the fairytales." I opened one eye to see her hovering above my desk with that thing in her hand, ready to stab me. I was almost scared.

"Are we in a fairytale?" She asked, raising an eyebrow at my illogical statement. The question held the truth.

"I suppose we aren't, but it would be a nice thing for you to do." I hummed quite monotonously, a small strike of anger spreading across her face and then quickly dissipating - a small blush tinting her cheeks in replacement.

"Why would I ever kiss you in public?" She huffed, crossing her arms and looking away, avoiding eye contact with me only to then notice that the whole class remained, listening to our conversation.

"But you do it happily in his room Hori-chan~!" Haruka Hasebe. You absolute menace. I am going to be painfully tortured because of that comment.

"We do no such thing!" Suzune defended exasperated, also furiously blushing - insinuating to everyone that it was the truth and that we did partake in intimate instances in my dorm room.

"Really~, then what about that time when we walked in on you two about to rip each others clothes off~?" Ike chimed in, snickering at his overly dramatic scenario. He was talking of the moment where they had walked in (to play monopoly) on us kissing atop my bed... although I do remember my hand moving up her shirt.

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