Sex on the brain

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Sex on the brain - by stberrylane on archive of our own. It's originally Santana/Rachel. There's a kink of being called mommy involved in the story, I hate it and if you do too I'd recommend you don't read this. Also involves slut shaming.

RIHANNA'S "LOVE ON THE BRAIN" WAS BLASTING THROUGH THE SPEAKERS OF THE SCHOOL AUDITORIUM. Everyone was slow dancing and Santana slightly regretted being a chaperone for the dance. She should've been home, grading all her student's poor math exams, but here she was with a bunch of rowdy teenagers, making sure they didn't spike the punch bowl.

Out of the corner of Santana's eye, she could see Brittany pierce. Brittany was one of her best students. She was in AP Calculus. She did, however, have the tendency to goof around. In fact, Santana classified her as a tease. Brittany liked to tease her teacher especially, in small gestures--patting Santana's butt when she walked by, bending over to show her underwear in front of her teacher. Your basic schoolgirl flirtation. Santana had had enough of it, especially when the song changed to "Low" by Flo Rida and everyone started grinding, but Brittany's bump and grind was a bit more enticing than everyone else's.

Brittany pressed her ass against Noah Puckerman, her on-and-off again fuck buddy. Everyone knew that all they did was fuck. Puck pressed against her harder, trying to get more friction in his jeans. Brittany moaned lowly at the feeling of Puck's hard on rubbing against her ass, just begging to ream it open, but she wasn't fucking him tonight. No, Brittany had a plan.

She wanted Ms. Lopez to fuck her tonight.

Brittany made eye contact with her teacher and bit her lip as she looked around for other teachers. She couldn't get caught, but noticing that no one was looking (not even Puck who was purely staring at her ass), so she saw the opportunity to rub her clothed boobs. She held her gaze with her math teacher.

Santana shifted uncomfortably when her eyes met Brittany who was clearly putting on a show. She had never felt attracted to a student before. No one ever really thought about liking their students when they started a career in teaching, but here Santana was distinctly aware of how puckered Brittany's nipples were through her shirt and she could feel a surge of arousal hit her core at the thought of what her student looked like without that shirt one. She watched Brittany look around again before she saw the smirk on her lips. Brittany turned around to face Puck, lifting the flap of her skirt up to show her teacher the lips glistening with wetness underneath.

Santana took a deep breath, thinking over her actions carefully. She knew what she should do and what she wanted to do were two completely different ballparks. On one hand, she knew she should tell the principal and get Brittany written up for sexual harassment. On the other hand, all she really wanted to do was pull Brittany into an empty classroom and fuck the hell out of her and as her eyes began darkening with lust, she did exactly that.

Santana had finally had enough of Brittany's sultry looks and pulled her by the wrist to the nearest classroom. She peered out the door for just a second before she slammed it shut and locked it. They could not get caught. When she turned back around, Brittany was sitting on the desk with her legs wide open as her fingers worked through her folds.

"Why, hello Ms. Lopez." Brittany teased, sticking a wet finger in her mouth as she tasted herself.

Santana walked over slowly. She saw Brittanys gaze follow her swinging hips before she grabbed her wrists and held them down against the desk. Santana whispered softly in her ear. "You're such a slut. Aren't you, princess?"

Brittany's breath hitched. She could only nod in response as Santana leaned over and mumbled softly in her ear. "Who are you a slut for?" she asked, nipping at Brittany's earlobe.

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