Traffic jam

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Traffic jam - by CallMeThey. On archive of our own. Originally Santana/Rachel. Semi-public sex, car sex.

"Brittanyyyy can we please not listen to this song..again." Santana whined from the passenger seat.

She and Brittany had decided to take a road trip back to Lima to visit their families. Usually they just flew, but Brittany wanted to "be adventurous" and so here they were, cramped up in Brittany's tiny ass prius, listening to the same 10 songs on repeat.

"Santana, you know that this is the only CD I have in here, and it isn't my fault you forgot to bring the aux cord."

Santana just rolled her eyes and muttered a quiet "whatever."

Brittany looked at Santana and smiled, "I love you."

"I love you too. But I also like living so please watch the road."

Brittany laughed at how dramatic her girlfriend was.

"I'm serious Pierce, we are too hot to die in such a boring fashion. I know I am hard not to look at, but please keep those eyes on the road."

"You're ridiculous." Brittany said, trying and failing not to giggle.


Santana must have fallen asleep because the next thing she knows, Brittany is shaking her to get her to wake up.

"What..m'sleepin." she mumbled

"San, baby, you've been asleep for two hours. We are stuck in traffic and I am about to die from boredom."

Santana opened her eyes and squinted as they were assaulted by the bright light of the setting sun. "Where are we?" she asked, her voice thick with sleep.

"Some interstate in Pennsylvania. The traffic hasn't moved in 45 minutes."

Santana sat up and stretched, looking around to take in her surroundings. Finally feeling awake, she turned to Brittany. "Well, it doesn't look like it is going to move anytime soon. According to google maps there was an accident and it will be a while before the wreckage is cleared."


Santana reached over and grabbed Brittany's hand, knowing that the dancer often got anxious when stuck in traffic. Something about the fear of not knowing how long she was going to be stuck in a particular location freaked Brittany out.

"It's okay babe. I know you are freaking out right now but just focus on me. What can I do?"

Brittany smiled at how sweet Santana was being. "I don't know San." Brittany's leg started to bounce from anxiety.

"Stars shining bright above you.." Santana started to quietly sing, hoping to distract Brittany.

Brittany smiled and leaned in and placed a quick kiss to the Latina's lips.

Santana softly sang the rest of the song, her eyes never leaving the other woman's, their fingers laced together with Santana's thumb gently rubbing the palm of Brittany's hand.

"Thanks baby." Brittany said, but Santana could still tell the dancer was anxious.

Santana quickly looked around them and noticed that the people in the cars next to them seemed to be engrossed in their phones. She smirked and turned to face her girlfriend.

"I know of another way I can distract you." Santana said, placing her hand on her girlfriend's exposed thigh.

Brittany's eyes widened and her head whipped to face Santana "There are people right there San, we can't...can't..not here!

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