Shes mine

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She's mine - by berrylynn on archive of our own. It's originally Quinn/Rachel. Girl penis story.  Semi-public sex. They get caught. Rachel in the original story is now Santana, Quinn is now Brittany and Finn is now puck.

The door clicks shut behind them, effectively muffling the loud music coming from downstairs and Santana doesn't waste a second, pushing Brittany back against the surface, hungrily attacking the blonde's mouth with her tongue. She knows what happened downstairs, no matter how hard Brittany tried to appear oblivious. The firm touches around her waist, the way her nails dug into her skin as they danced, pulling her closer and closer in the middle of the dancefloor. The hands that grabbed her ass in front of her friends, not caring if anybody saw, except for one person.

Noah Puckerman.

Their shared ex-boyfriend has been pushing his luck with her all night since the party began. He brought her drinks and complimented her, trying to coax her to dance with him. No matter how many times Santana said no, Puck kept coming back and pleading with her to take him back, despite the fact they've been broken up for months. Santana tried to ignore him but the jock was persistent. And Brittany let him.

She let him because Santana's been pleading with her through her eyes that he's not worth it. The rest of their teammates were having fun and Santana didn't want to bring down the mood.

But when Puck made the mistake of his hands sliding down the back of the diva's dress and palm her ass, Brittany marched between them and pushed the quarterback away, glaring at him as he stumbled back, waiting for her chance to hit him. He's been asking for it and the blonde is ready. But before he could regain his balance, Santana grasped Brittany's hand and pulled her up the stairs and straight into her bedroom.

"You are so sexy when you're jealous," Santana whimpers against her lips when she breaks away from the bruising kiss, panting for air. Brittany's always been able to steal her breath away without even trying and the diva can't see that changing anytime soon, "Take me..."

Brittany groans roughly and hooks her arms under Santana's knees, lifting her until her legs wrap around her waist and turns, slamming Santana back into the door. The brunette cries out, feeling her panties soak through when Brittany's teeth bite into her neck, marking her territory before soothing the sting with a swipe of her tongue. Her hips grind forward, rubbing her hard cock between Santana's legs and hitting her clit with each roll, quickly working up the smaller girl into a frenzy.

"You are mine," She emphasizes each word with a hard thrust, feeling Santana's hot puffs of air into her shoulder blades as she hangs onto her, "Not Sam's, not Karofsky's, and not fucking Puck's. They can never make you feel like I do, do you understand?"

Santana gaps, "Yes, Britt, yes...fuck, please..."

"Tell me you don't want Puck," Brittany growls, nipping down her neck roughly.

"I don't want Puck."

"Tell me you are mine."

Santana screws her eyes shut, "I'm yours."

Brittany grunts and steps back, roughly palming Santana's ass to keep her steady and blinding reaching the diva's bed, falling back on the edge with Santana straddling her lap. Their mouths meet frantically, kissing with all tongue and teeth as Santana rubs her panty-covered pussy against Brittany's painfully hard cock, wanting nothing more than tear away the barriers between them and have Brittany inside her. Her hands tug at blonde strands before moving down to scrapping her nails down her pale neck, making Brittany splutter and pull away.

"Fuck, Santana," She groans, tightening her grip on Santana's waist and help guide her movement, "You're so hot."

Deft fingers sneak between their bodies to palm her bulge, rubbing her throbbing meat through her pants while she latches onto Brittany's earlobe, "B-Britt, baby...please fuck me. I am so wet for you."

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