Your Heart is Heavy and Red

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Your Heart is Heavy and Red - by justabear. On archive of our own. It's Quinn/Rachel. Rachel is now Santana. Quinn is now Brittany. Hair pulling kink.

And just like that, the taut cord between them snaps. Brittany crashes into Santana's mouth first, and while the action is rapid, the kiss itself is not. It's a gentle slide of lips on lips, soft but deliberate. Just like before, Santana thinks, it's like she's always been here. Brittany, she fits. Her hips fit perfectly in the grip of Brittany's hands, her body fits flush against Brittany's , her own wandering hands fit against the nape of Brittany's neck.

So Santana kisses back with zeal. She is all soft and lips and a brushing tongue against Brittany's lower lip until the tongue is replaced by a light bite. A surprised, appreciative moan comes unbidden from Brittany's throat, and something flips inside Santana, something that pools hot and fierce below her navel. The same thing must be happening to Brittany because Santana finds herself pressed against the cool wall of her bedroom.

The kisses are coming hard now, more fierce, more teeth and tongue against swollen lips. Before, she thought she could stay this way forever, but now Santana needs more and nothing is enough. She pulls Brittany closer, seeking purchase against her toned thigh to quell a growing ache. It initially seems to have the opposite effect when Brittany pulls her mouth away, but then Santana feels her neck being gently tilted-exposed-and Brittany's wet mouth is against the smooth skin of her neck. Santana's can't control the moan that falls from her mouth, low and guttural, dovetailing into a hiss when Brittany's teeth scrape against her. Her hands jerk up to tangle in Brittany's hair, tugging slightly, and the two of them enter a push and pull of painful pleasure.

When Brittany's sucks the skin on Santana's neck, Santana's vision goes black, and another moan tumbles from her mouth. The logical part of her brain takes over her mouth, and she mumbles, "fuck...ah, careful. Don't leave a mark."

She feels Brittany's smirk against her. "It's hard to be careful when you make noises like that."

"Brittany, ahh, we're not a pair of horny fifteen-year-olds. Hickeys aren't en vogue in the business casual world." While Santana protests, it does feel awfully good. Brittany's tongue laves against the spot she just suckled, and a large part of her doesn't want Brittany to stop.

"Bri-" and her protest grows into a moan when Brittany grinds her thigh into Santana's core. She forgets how to breathe, forgets everything for a moment other than the feeling of this, them together. Brittany's mouth returns to Santana's. Then Santana is grinding against Brittany, her grip in her hair tightened for purchase, riding Brittany's thigh, their kiss turning sloppy. A little thrust sends Santana moaning into Brittany's mouth. She could come from just this.

Brittany breaks the kiss to look at Santana, and the hungry darkness in those hazel eyes sends another shudder down Santana's abdomen and to the part of her flush against Brittany's thigh.

Santana blinks a few times, coming back to herself, finding her voice again. "Why'd you stop?"

Brittany smirks, a glint sparkling in those light eyes. "Nothing."


"You said you weren't a horny fifteen-year-old, but," Brittany pauses to lean close to Santana again, "Dry humping against the wall isn't exactly proving your point."

Santana's voice is low and husky when she replies, "Baby, I assure you there is nothing dry about this process." And Santana didn't think it was possible, but she watches Brittany's eyes darken even more. She leverages her grip in Brittany's hair to pull her back into a searing kiss, and she tries to convey all that she wants but cannot voice. I want you to want me. I want you to fuck me. I want us to fuck until we forget our names. I want to come around your fingers and I want to forget the world with you. Fuck me, fuck me, fuck me.

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