Good for you

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Good for you - by berrylynn. On archive of our own. Originally Rachel/Quinn. Rough sex. Choking. Girl penis and football player Brittany. Quinn is now Brittany and Santana is now Rachel.

The sunlight peeking through the cracked blinds gently stirred Santana from her sleep and she sighed, feeling her wife's warm body melting into her back. Soft puffs of air were hitting her neck where Brittany buried her face, every inch of them pressing together from their heads to their toes. They've stumbled through the door well after midnight, delightfully buzzed on champagne and victory and they didn't waste any seconds before tearing each other's clothes off.

Santana bit her lower lip just thinking about last night's activities and unconsciously rolled her hips back into her wife, feeling the familiar hardness rub into her skin. Her inner thighs quickly grew slick with wetness and want and she decided to treat her wife like the winner that she was.

Carefully turning over, she pushed Brittany until she was spread out on the mattress, exposing her glorious naked skin for Santana to touch. Being careful not to wake her up too soon, Santana placed teasing kisses on her collarbone, mapping her way across her chest without touching her sensitive nipples just until her wife's breathing slightly picked up speed before stopping.

Santana hid her smirk against her neck and reached down to feel the now hard cock with her hand, brushing her thumb across the head as Brittany's hips bucked up. Soft grunting noises were leaving her mouth with every caress but blue eyes were still hiding behind eyelids. Slowly moving her hand up and down on the shaft and twisting her wrist on every upstroke, Santana licked her way down the defined abs until she reached her cock and wrapped her plump lips around the tip.

She moaned at the taste and swirled her tongue around, licking away the precum that leaked out before pulling away to leave open-mouth kisses down the sides, all the way down to heavy balls. Holding her cock up to Brittany's stomach, Rachel sucked on the skin before placing them into her mouth and closed her eyes to savor the sensation.

Suddenly long fingers thread through her hair to grip her by the roots to hold her in place and Santana's head snapped up to see aroused eyes watching her. Letting the sacks slide out of her mouth with a slick pop, Santana whimpered at the sight of her wife's face erupting in pleasure and she rolled her hips into the bed, hoping to elevate some of the pressure building between her thighs.

"That's it, San," Brittany's voice was all breathy and husky, pulling another moan from the brunette between her legs, "You feel so good."

Listening to the commend, Santana quickly latched back on and sucked her in deep. The blonde groaned loudly and snapped her head back on the pillow while her back curved skyward, gripping the silk sheets with her free hand.

Judging by the quivering muscles of her thighs and the strong pulsing of her cock, Brittany was close. Santana held her breath and sunk, taking in every inch of the hard shaft she could fit in her mouth and hummed, messaging the meat.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck..." Brittany chanted desperately, barely aware of anything besides her wife, "Oh my God, San, I'm gonna – "

Quickly grabbing the hanging sack with her hand, Santana squeezed and rolled them in her palm while continuing to suck and it didn't take long to feel Brittany's body stiffen and twitch before spurts of cum hit her tongue. The blonde cried out with every load, still holding onto her wife's brown locks to fuck into her throat until she felt drained and slumped against the mattress. Santana let the now softening dick slip out of her mouth and swallowed eagerly with a happy smile and felt quite proud of herself when she saw that she caused Brittany to pass out again.

Deciding to let her sleep, Santana got out of the bed and slipped on Brittany's football jersey from to floor over her head, pairing it with a pair of black boxers before quietly walking out to the kitchen to make some breakfast.

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