So much more

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So much more - by CallMeThey. On archive of our own. Originally Santana/Rachel.

Santana Lopez never thought she would live to see the day that Brittany Pierce threw a party. An actual party, with alcohol and everything. Even more surprising, was the fact that Santana was having fun. Sure, she had spent the first hour crying but she always does that when she drinks. Luckily though, she has moved past that stage of her drunkenness and is now in the relaxed stage.

She is currently curled up on the loveseat in the corner. Her legs tucked under her, red solo cup in hand. She is lazily playing with the straw with her tongue as she watches the various gleeks get up on the stage (of fucking course Brittany had a stage), and sing karaoke. I guess if she had to listen to drunk people sing, she would prefer the gleeks. At least they are talented, even when inebriated.

She heard some cheering and turned around to see Kitty standing on the table, removing her shirt. Kitty always turned into a stripper when she was drunk...not that anyone was complaining. Santana let out an encouraging whoop and giggled at her best friend's antics. She kept watching the blonde dance, hoping she would keep her underwear on and not go full nude. She only turned around once Kitty got down and sat on Artie's lap. Once she was down, she knew Kitty was done stripping, so she wouldn't have to worry about the girl flashing all the gleeks.

As Santana resituated herself on the loveseat, she frowned into her now empty cup. She was getting ready to get up and refill her cup whenever Brittany and Blaine walked up to the stage. Brittany gave her a look that caused her to stop in her tracks, and sit back down.

*whatever. I'm dizzy anyways so..*

Santana physically cringed as the clichéd 80s music blared through the speakers. She rolled her eyes at the cheesiness of it all and resumed toying with the pink straw in her cup. When Santana looked back up to the stage, she smirked to see that Brittany's eyes were zeroed in on the straw and where it rested between her lips. She slowly began rolling it around with her tongue, keeping her eyes trained on the singer. She swore she saw Brittany blush, but that could've just been the insane amount of alcohol she had consumed.

Santana doesn't know what came over her. Yeah, she was toying with Pierce but that was just some drunken fun. So why, whenever Brittany sang the lyrics, "Don't you want me baby", Santana shouted that she did, she did want her.

No one except Brittany seemed to hear her, or if they did they just ignored it, chalking it up to the alcohol talking. Brittany, however, was now full on staring at Santana. Her eyes raking over caramel skin. Taking in her barely covered legs, the ample cleavage on display, and focusing in on that straw...that damn straw. That thin piece of plastic currently trapped between plump lips was causing her to feel all kinds of things.

When the song ended Santana never broke eye contact with Brittany. She simply quirked her eyebrow, waiting for Brittany to do something. Brittany bit her lip and hesitated for only a second before she stepped off the stage and walked towards the bathroom, looking over her shoulder at the Latina.

Santana just smirked and threw her empty cup onto the ground, getting up and following the diva. Everyone around them was oblivious, too drunk to pay attention or care.

Santana stood outside the closed bathroom door for a few seconds before raising her hand and knocking gently. She squealed in surprise whenever Brittany swung the door open and pulled her inside before quickly shutting and locking it back.

"Hello to you too." The Latina said sarcastically, leaning back against the door.

Brittany was fidgeting with her hands but stopped when she heard the other girl speak. "Hi." She said, barely above a whisper.

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