Bound to happen.

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Hellen Keller said, "Walking with a friend in the dark is much better than walking alone in the light."


Riane and Seth laughed as they chased each other around the front yard, the pack members and elders watching them from the kitchen window. Sue smiled happily watching as her son and his best friend engaged in a game of soccer. The pair had matching grins on their faces, that never faltered. They were two peas in a pod and have been inseparable since kindergarten.

"Come on Sam, why can't we just tell her?" Jacob pleaded. He knew that his sister would be upset with him if he had to freeze her out of his life, as was required for each pack member so they wouldn't expose themselves or hurt those around them.

"Look, I said that it's not a good idea." Sam countered. "You don't want her to get hurt do you?" 

Billy sighed and wheeled over to where Sam was sitting at the table.

"Sam, nobody wants anyone to get hurt but, look around, her entire family is in this house, past, present and future." He said in his calm and wise manner. Sam looked up from the table and found that he was right. Her blood family, her closest friends and her soon to be family were all gathered around the small wooden table, or were soon to join. "We are eventually going to have to tell her, and I think we would all prefer it sooner rather than later." 

Sam sighed knowing there was no use fighting with the elders. Emily placed a calming hand on his back, forcing a smile upon his lips.

"Although, we won't tell Seth just yet." Added Harry. "We'll wait until he phases" He had to make it clear because they were, after all two halves of a whole and when one does something the other was likely to follow.

"So, we'll tell Ray tonight then." Jacob wrapped up, a smile on his face. He wanted to get out of there as quickly as possible before the could change their minds.

"Yeah, that ways, Seth won't have to spring everything on her at once when he goes to tell her about imprinting." Embry joked. Jacob glared a him. That was his baby sister that he was talking about.

"Why would he need to tell her about imprinting?" Jacob asked, getting slightly annoyed.

"Isn't it obvious? I mean look at them." Embry said pointing out the window, where the two kids were now laid on the grass, watching clouds. "They're meant to be. The imprint is bound to happen."

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