Little Blue Box

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"The truth is, unless you let go, unless you forgive yourself, unless you forgive the situation, unless you realize that the situation is over, you cannot move forward." ~ Steve Maraboli, Unapologetically You

It all happened so fast, Seth texted Ray telling her it was an emergency, she had to meet him, and like the pathetic little girl she was, she ran to him. Seth was like a bad habit she couldn't break. They met at the tree house and the only other time Ray climbed that fast was when they were four, and Seth told her monsters were coming after them, and she believed him. 

He sat, waiting for her, his whole attention on nothing but the entrance to the tree house. He smelled her before she even entered the yard, she smelled like home which warmed his heart but she also smelled like him which made a low growl rise in his chest. And then he regretted waiting for her there, instead of at the bottom of the tree house because then he had to wait even longer to see her. He could hear the violent thudding of her feet attacking the ground as she ran and the quick beat of her heart which was now synced up with his. And as soon as her beautiful head popped out of the opening in the floor, he couldn't help himself but to smile. He held his hand out for her to take so he could pull her up and as soon as her soft skin touched his, Seth almost forgot to breathe.

"What wrong? What happened?" Riane asked frantically. 

"Jessica's gone." He said, handing her a small piece of paper. Ray read it in awe and shock.

Dearest Seth, I am so sorry for all the pain I have caused you. Love always, Jess.

"All of her stuff was gone." Seth said. Ray would be lieing if she said she was sad about it but knew her friend would be sad too, so she pulled him into a hug that made the both of them feel like they could live in each others arms forever. 

"My god, Seth, I am so sorry." She mumbled into the exposed skin of his neck. "Please don't do anything rash, I can help you figure it out." She pulled away, keeping her hands on his shoulders so he would look at her but he didn't look sad, he looked relieved.

"You don't understand." He chuckled. "I'm not upset. I'm happy, in fact, ever since last night, I don't think I've ever felt so free."

"But, she was your imprint, I thought-" Riane, moved back, trying to make sense of what he was telling her.

"Yeah she was, but then I woke up this morning and she didn't even matter, it's like, all of a sudden, you are my whole world, like I couldn't breath without you." He mused. Ray couldn't help but cry. Here he was, the person who had total control over her, making promises all over again, and if the past was repeating itself, like she thought, he would crush her all over again too. "I love you." Seth breathed. "And I don't want to spend another moment apart from you." Ray shook her head, retreating out of the tree house. Seth followed her, calling her name. He caught up to her and spun her around by the arm only for her to shove him away.

"No!" She screamed. "You don not get to do this again! It is not fair!" She was so loud that Sue could hear them from inside the house, even without enhanced hearing. "You made me fall in love with you and then you broke my heart! And then you tricked me into thinking maybe, you might love me back but you just broke my heart all over again! I left because of you! I was scared to let myself love again because of you! You ruined me!"

"Ray..." Seth pleaded, taking a step forward, causing Ray to take a step back.

"No!" She sobbed. "Just stay away from me."

Seth watched sadly as she walked away from him crying, his heart breaking with each step she took until she was gone. He fell to his knee's, trying to catch his breath. There was no light in his life now, and it was his own fault. Every negative emotion she has ever felt was his fault and he hated himself because of it.

Ray cried the entire way home, feeling as though she left her purpose behind her, to stand watching as she left. She knew this trip would be a bad idea. She cried more times in the two days she'd been back than the six years she was away. She went home and marched straight to her room, overjoyed to see Luke already packing.

"Oh thank God!" She exclaimed, moving around the room to collect her own items. "I can't stand another second in this place." Luke turned to face her only to notice, for the first time, her red eyes and tear stained cheeks.

"What's wrong?" He asked, placing his hands on her face, gently wiping away at her tears.

"Jessica's gone." She said, expecting him to be confused and ask questions but instead he sighed and said,

"I know. I'm the one who got rid of her." Ray's head snapped up to see her boyfriends sad smile.

"What?" She squeaked. Luke chuckled and sat them both down on her bed.

"Jess and I come from a long line of witches. Jess was using black magic to control Seth. He imprinted on you many years ago but she used her powers to transfer his desires onto her. Only thing is, the imprint bond is so strong that even though he was being controlled, his heart was still trying to get to you." He said. Ray tried to control her breathing, as if that might have helped her absorb what he was saying.

"You know." Ray said in awe, more interested in the fact that he knew about the quileute tribe than that he was a witch. Luke nodded chuckling.

"I know how strong the bond is to both people, so I knew it wouldn't be fair to either of you if I didn't do anything about Jessica." He said.

"So what happened to her?"

"Well a witch cannot undo the magic of another witch by them self, but if that witch were to disappear, all their magic would go with them. " He explained, Ray's eyes widened as her mind we right to the worst place.

"Did you-"

"I sent her to another relm. Seth was free of her magic sometime last night." He stated calmly.

"So that means..." Seth was telling the truth, he did love her and all this time he loved her, all this time she was his imprint.

"He really does love you." Luke said, sadly.

"Why did you-?"

"He loves you but so do I" Luke reached into his suitcase and pulled out a little blue box. "I wanted to wait until we got back to New York but then I found out about Seth and knew it wouldn't be fair for you to tie yourself to me when I know, you love him." He opened the box to reveal a gorgeous single diamond on top of a plain silver band, it was simple but it was perfect.

"Oh my God." Ray gasped.

"I know my chances are slim, but I'm never going to forgive myself if I don't ask." He dropped to one knee. "Will you marry me?"  

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