No escape.

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Randi G Fine said, "Avoidance may seem like an easy way out of a dilemma at the time, but know that the issue will present itself again and again until it is faced, dealt with and learned from."


It was my own fault for assuming I could run from the supernatural phenomenons of the world. I was foolish and naive to think that the only state that monsters inhabited was Washington.

After I left, I killed Riane Black, erased her from existence. I was supposed to be in Thailand but knew that I needed to go somewhere else, to I traded in my ticket and in about five hours, I emerged from the airplane as Rose Baker. New York was overwhelming at first but when I got myself off the ground and made some connections, I was able to pull through. 

That was six years ago now, I'm 21 and in my fourth year at NYU. It took a lot of work to get here, I had to work two jobs at first to support myself and study like crazy to get this scholarship. I'm a lot happier now, I have normal friends who care about me and are there for me no matter what. I have an amazing boyfriend who loves me and a great job that pays really well. 

I shivered as the cold New York air nipped at my exposed skin, I sped up my pace, seeking refuge from the harsh wind. Luke smiled at me as soon as I walked into the cafe. He stood up to greet me and kissed my cheek as soon as I reached him. We sat down and he handed me one of the two coffee's he already ordered. 

"So I was thinking, maybe we could do Christmas with your family this year." He suggested timidly. My family was a sore subject, he knew that. It was the cause of many arguments in the past and possibly even right now, depending on how far he pushed the conversation. 

"Nah." I said, not wanting to start a scene in a place we frequented. At first I told people I moved because my family was dead and living in that town was too painful- which it was. But then I fell in love with Luke and couldn't keep it from him. If I only knew he would be this insistent, I would have taken that secret to my grave. 

"Come on, Ro." I did my best to refrain from rolling my eyes. Luke reminded me of Bella in a way that she was stubborn and refused to let something go when you asked. "You haven't been home in forever. You must miss them." 

I sighed and put my coffee on the table- apparently more aggressively than I thought because a little spilled over the rim. That and the table shook a bit. 

"Yes, and you know there is a reason for not going back." I snapped, we had this conversation already so why were we having it again?

"Do I?" He demanded, making me ball my hand into a fist. "I mean I know there is a reason, but I don't know what that reason is, because you never tell me!" 

"And there is a reason for that to!" I hissed, standing and collecting my things; retreating into the, now snowing, city. 

Luke tried to text and call me multiple times after our fight but I didn't have the patience to pick up the phone and have that fight once again. We've been dating for about three years now and I had already met his family, and they're lovely but my situation is just too complicated to involve him. The only issue was, if I wanted any kind of a future with him, I knew I would have to, eventually, take him to meet them. It was about 6 AM in Forks right now which meant my dad wouldn't be up for a few hours. I called around lunch. 

"Hello?" He answered. I smiled at the familiar sound of his voice. 

"Hey dad." I said. 

"Ray?" He asked in disbelief. "What's wrong? It's not Christmas or my birthday. Is everything OK?" He gulped, anxious for my answer. 

"Yeah dad, everything is fine." I giggled. "Actually, I need a favor." 


It took Luke all of 26 hours to show up at my door with roses and chocolate. Kerri, my roommate, snatched them away as soon as she saw them. Luke gave her a look but she just took them to her room. 

"You want privacy don't you?" She asked dumbly. "Consider this payment." 

"I see pre-law is really working out for her huh?" He asked as soon as she closed her door. I chuckled, inviting him in. He was always demure after a fight, even if I was the one at fault. He sat stiffly on the couch, only brushing off his snow covered jacket. I took his cold hand in mine and looked him in the eye. 

"I love you, and I realize that meeting my family is very important to you. So, I will take you to meet them." You sighed, already regretting this idea. Lukes eyes widened and he grinned.
"Really?" He said excitedly. I laughed at him and nodded. He lunged forward, engulfing me in a hug, kissing every inch of my face. 

"But!" I said, making him freeze. "We are not going there for Christmas, I don't want to spend more than a few days there, and, when the weekend is over, and you hate it as much as I do, I get to say I told you so." I stated. 

":Deal." He grinned.  

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