How to stop loving someone: A 12 step process

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Getting over a painful experience is much like crossing monkey bars. You have to let go at some point in order to move forward. - Unknown

And so, 10 minutes of walking and 2/3 of the bottle finished between them, Embry was actually giving her some good advice. A fire was lite in front of the two, as they sat on the cold forest floor. The both sitting with their arms around their legs.

"So sponsor, whats step one?" Riane asked slurring her words a bit. Embry took a swig from the bottle then handed it to Riane who did the same.

"First step is always admitting you have a problem." He looked up, seemingly mesmerized by the stars. Riane was confused and looked up two to see what was so great about some stupid stars but then got hypnotized herself.

"So how would I apply that to my situation?" Embry looked at her.

"Admit you're in love with him." CC widened her eyes.


"And don't even try and deny it. Because if it weren't true then it wouldn't hurt so much." He pointed out.

"But what if he hears and thinks I'm going to try and get in his way."

"Don't worry about it, he's not on patrol tonight so he won't hear you." He shook it off. "Go on, you can do it!" He encouraged with a smile. Ray nodded and took two more big gulps of vodka. She stood up.

"I'm in love with Seth Clearwater." She stated to the lifeless woods. Embry grinned and started clapping. He whooped and she smiled at him before plopping back down and handing him the bottle. He took a drink.

"How do you feel."

"Guilty." She said looking into the fire, "What's step two?" Embry sighed.

"Admitting there's a higher power." 

Riane nodded. "I guess the higher power in this case would be the power of the imprint?" 

Embry shrugged. " I don't know, I'm not exactly an expert." 

"Okay well in that case, step two? done." She smiled and took another sip from the bottle. "Step three?"

"Turn everything over to the higher power."

"So let the new imprint have Seth?" She looked at Embry for confirmation and when he nodded she gulped down as much as she could before the horrid taste and burning was too much. "You seem to know a lot about this stuff." She said.

"My mom went though some stuff when I was little." He shrugged as he reached over and took the bottle from her, gulping down some as well.

"You must have had it really hard then?" He shrugged again. "I'm sorry." He shook his head.

"It's not your fault." A silence fell upon them as Riane thought of what to say next. But Embry didn't need her to say anything, his mom was okay now and so was he. "Step four." He said handing her the bottle, knowing that she might need it. "Make a moral inventory of ourselves." She gave him a questioning look. "What lead you here." She smiled.

"Everything about him. His kind heart. His smile. His sense of humor. His loyalty." She took another sip from the bottle.

"Anything in particular? Anything you can remember?" Embry asked.

"A couple years ago, I was crying.  About my mom. I just missed her so much and I just couldn't take it. Seth had me write her a letter and when I was done, he took me to the graveyard and buried the letter beside her. He hugged me and let me cry onto his shoulder. Then, he promised me that not matter what, he would always be there for me and would never leave me because we are tiyoshpaye: Family." Her eyes started to water but instead of letting them fall, she blinked violently and downed the rest of the bottle. Embry chuckled as she made a face at the bottle.

"Alright I think that's enough for tonight." He stood up and brushed off his jeans. Embry reached his hand out to help her up. 
"I think you're right." She slurred, taking his hand as he lifted her to her feet- or tried as she managed to slip, he caught her arm with his other hand just before she fell to the ground. He threw some dirt over the fire until it died, then picked her up and started towards her house.

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