Cupid's aim sucks.

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Well, in that hit you miss. She'll not be hit
With Cupid's arrow. She hath Dian's wit,
And, in strong proof of chastity well armed,
From love's weak childish bow she lives unharmed.
She will not stay the siege of loving terms,
Nor bide th' encounter of assailing eyes,

Nor ope her lap to saint-seducing gold.
- Romeo, William Shakespeare, Romeo and Juliet

For the most part, Riane's morning was uneventful, she had planned on having a hot date to the movies with herself in her pajamas. She hasn't seen the pack in a week. It hurt more than it should have, but she needed space and she couldn't have that if she was suffocating herself with them. Tonight was the big night and she new that everybody would be talking about it. Seth would bring Jessica to the bonfire so she could learn the legends and meet the family. Jessica was in their homeroom. She sat quietly at the front and it didn't surprise her that Seth didn't imprint sooner because he always turned around to talk to Riane.

This was it, they were just one step closer to living happily ever after. And it just pissed her right off. She wanted no part to any of it. After picking a movie out on Netflix, She walked over to the freezer and grabbed a tub of ice cream and a spoon. She dug into the tub and stuck the spoon into her mouth when there was a knock on the door. She walked over an opened it to see Embry, leaning against the door frame. He smirked and she let out an exasperated sigh, she rolled her eyes and walked back into the kitchen, Embry following close behind.

She sat at then kitchen table and Embry leaned against it beside her. They stood in silence, and he watched as she shoved another spoonful of ice cream in her mouth.

"I'm not going."

"You should see him. He's really upset." Embry rubbed the back of his neck. She scoffed.

"Aw poor baby!" She pouted mockingly at him. He shot her a stern look.

"He misses you. He needs the support of his best friend."

"And what about the support of his imprint." CC snorted.

"He's nervous about telling her and it's hard on him." Embry retorted. She looked at him.

"It hurts Em." She whispered, her voice cracking as she said his name. He frowned as a single tear fell from her cheek. She didn't deserve this. He wrapped his arms around her letting her know that he was there for her. She sighed into his chest. "Cupid's aim sucks." She mumbled, he whispered a quick 'I know' into her hair before making her look at him.

"Just come, if not for him, then for the rest of us. We miss you."

And that, among other things, is how Embry Call manipulated her into going to the stupid gathering. And so, like he said, she did it for the pack. They greeted her with smiles and hugs, she had tried her best to plaster a genuine smile on her face, however it was rather hard due to the fact that she would have much rather been anywhere else.

Ray was at the table by the house getting something to eat, when Sue walked up. Riane smiled at her but turned her attention back to the food, hoping she didn't want to stay and have a conversation.

Things were going well up until the moment that she dreaded came. Seth and Jessica walked hand in hand to the food table, smiling like their lives couldn't be any better. Riane felt like she was going to be sick. She froze up as they walked directly towards her, when she finally figured to duck out of sight, it was too late because Seth had already spotted her. He grinned and raced over, dropping Jessica's hand. His arm's wrapped around Ray comfortably. She had to fight herself into not hugging him, his smell filling her nose, she took a deep breath taking him all in. Tears welled in her eyes, she bit her lip in order to stop crying but stopped when she started to taste blood. She tried her best to blink away the tears as her eyes landed on Jessica as she stood awkwardly behind them, and Riane's body immediately filled with hatred again.

Ray managed to shove Seth off of her, no doubt him letting go when he felt some resistance because lets be honest- werewolf strength,  and turn around, heading to where the rest of the pack was gathered around the fire pit. She walked over and sat next to Embry.

"What?" She asked, her mouth full of food, when she realized he had been staring. She looked around to see if anyone had noticed his strange behavior when She realized that everyone was giving her a mixture of weird looks. She looked back to Embry and gave him a 'what the hell?' look.

"You've never done that before." He said. She gave him another questioning look. "You've never been that hostile with him, even when you were fighting." She rolled my eyes and turned slightly to see that Seth was frozen in his place, staring at her in shock, Jessica not knowing what to do. She snorted and turned back around. If they were really close, she would know to make him look at her until he snapped out of it. 


Riane loved the way her dad told the legends. His voice was so gripping and captivating. Usually, that was the only thing she could focus on but today, she couldn't tear her eyes away from Seth and Jessica. They made her sick and all she wanted to do was pull her hair out, they made her so angry. Riane didn't think she's ever been this angry but they just irked her so much. And when Billy started talking about the imprints and Seth put his arm across her legs she couldn't take it. Riane stood up and pulled Embry up with her. Billy noticed and stopped abruptly, eyeing them, causing a ripple effect making everyone else look at them.

"What are you doing?" Embry mumbled. She didn't say anything, she just took hold of his arm and dragged him into the woods. It was easier that it should have been considering the fact that he was letting her drag him. Once they were far enough away she told him it was time. After a few confused looks exchanged he finally understood what she was getting at.

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