Luke's Secret.

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"Lies and secrets, Tessa, they are like a cancer in the soul. They eat away what is good and leave only destruction behind." ~ Cassandra Clare, The Clockwork Prince

Luke was absolutely sure about four things.

One, he loved Rose. Or Riane or whatever her name was. It didn't matter to him. She was beautiful and strong and kind and funny. She was everything he's ever wanted.

Two, she came from a family of werewolves. He knew, the second he shook Jacobs hand that he was a werewolf. Although Renesmee confused him, she had the aura of both a human and a vampire, nothing he has ever come across before. And then he met the rest of her 'extended family' and together their aura was so powerful, he didn't need to shake their hands to know what they were. He also thought it was cute they tried to hide it.

Three, Seth was under the spell of another witch. Seth's aura was contorted because the spell affected him for so long it was starting to have lasting damage on his soul. The spell was strong and that type of magic was not easy but most importantly, forbidden. And he had a pretty good idea who was the one responsible.

Four, there was something between Seth and Ray. There was a sort of tension between them that even any mortal could see but other than that, inside the heavy shell of magic that controlled Seth was his broken soul, yearning for Ray.

​​​​​Luke had requested to spend the day with Jessica, claiming he wanted to catch up with his favorite cousin, little did anyone know, it would be less than a happy family reunion. So, he went over to her place and they sat in silence, Jessica had prepared tea for the both of them but Luke's sat untouched, he knew better than that.

"Are you going to waste our time? Or are you going to tell me why you're here?" She demanded.

"Are you doing something to Seth?" He asked, although he could already guess the answer.

"Of course I am!" She admitted, a smug smile on her face.

"What you're doing to him isn't right, and forbidden-"

"And not easy!" She laughed, which made Luke glare at her.

"This is serious!" He hissed.

"And yet," she leaned in closer, "You're not going to do anything about it." It wasn't a threat, more of a statement, or rather a prediction. "Because you and I both know they'll go running into each others arms, the second you screw with it, and you don't want to lose your precious mortal do you?" That however, was a threat. Luke stood up.

"As always, Jessica, it has been a pleasure." He said through gritted teeth. The walk back to the Black residence was peaceful, Luke's ears rung with years of car horns honking around him. It was easier for supernatural beings to hide in small towns, he knew that but it never appealed to him.

He was surprised to see Edward Cullen standing outside waiting for him. "Son of a bitch." Luke laughed, they hugged. 

"When Renesmee told me you were in town, I couldn't believe it!" Edward exclaimed with a grin. "How long's it been?"

"Wow uh, since 1934!"  

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