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"Hard is trying to rebuild yourself, piece by piece, with no instruction book, and no clue as to where all the important bits are supposed to go. " - Nick Hornby, A Long Way Down

It didn't take much for Ray to realize, a change of scenery might be best for her. She needed to start over, in a place with no shapeshifters, and no cold ones. 

"Often times when we are stuck in a rut of negative behavior and thoughts, the only way to remove ourselves from that it to start a completely new path." Her therapist had said when she brought up the thought. He was happy to encourage her on this new journey in her life as long as she promised to take her meds and talk to someone regularly. She agreed and they said goodbye. 

Her father was much more accepting than she first thought, although, she went right to him after the incident with Seth and Jessica and she cried her eyes out. Her father agreed that this might be the best decision for her, that she might be happier away from the people who were causing her sorrow. He wanted her safe but also happy so they talked about it for a few days before he actually said yes to letting her go. They made a plan together, where she would go and what she would do, but Ray had plans of her own. This was her vision quest and she needed to do it her way. 

She said goodbye to her family and made them promise not to say anything until after a few days, she didn't want any more drama and that included her friends making a big show about her leaving. Jake drove her to the airport, hugged her as tight as he could without crushing her and watched as she dissipated into the crowd of people. 

The both of them kept true to their word and didn't mention anything until a few days later. The pack gathered at Sam's for Sunday breakfast and no one even noticed Ray wasn't there because everyone was so wrapped up in each other. Billy thought he might not even have to say anything because everyone was finishing up, and still no one mentioned it. That was until Emily asked about it. 

"So Billy, where is Ray this fine morning?" She beamed. 

"Thailand." Billy shrugged, sipping his coffee. The rest of the pack stopped to laugh, some even with their mouths full.

"No really Billy, she sick or something?" Paul shouted, over the mumbling of the table.

"She's in Thailand." Billy stated, more clearly this time.

"What?" Renesmee breathed. "Why?!" 

Billy looked at the expectant eyes around him, apparently Ray was right to leave quietly.

"It's better this way."  

True Desire. [Seth Clearwater]Where stories live. Discover now