Careful - Chilchuck x GN!Reader

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art by @aalexfletcher on twitter

(reader can be interpreted as whatever species/gender you please ^^)

When traversing through various dungeons, you've learned lots of things

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When traversing through various dungeons, you've learned lots of things.

Especially about mimics. They sucked.

You'd actually found yourself a pretty good party you cozied up with. You had come down as a one person just to find herbs and ores that you could sell to people... but that wasn't a good idea, you almost got killed by a basilisk. But thankfully, that party had come and killed it before it could hurt anyone else. And they ate it. Yeah... they eat monsters.

That was a couple of weeks ago, probably a few months.  You'd lost track of time being down here.

"Just ahead is another trap-room, watch your step." Chilchuck hummed, pushing through the party so he could tell people how to get across safely. 

"Everybody stay here and only go across when I say so." he pointed at everyone accusingly, eyes especially on Senshi. 

Chilchuck began to take off a good majority off his gear, leaving him in his pants and the button up shirt he wore. It was practically tradition for Chilchuck to shed his gear when he went into trap rooms. Laios was usually the one to carry his stuff across, though. 

Chilchuck tip-toed across the stones, being wary of any sensitive slabs that could be pushed down with someone's bodyweight. 

You were all sitting at the entrance of this room, waiting for Chilchuck to be done with his observation. "Hey, [Y/N]." He calleld over his shoulder, looking at you boredly.

"Yeah, whats up?" You stood up, dusting yourself off you walked to the edge of where you assumed the traps started. 

"I need you to come across, walk only where I walked." Chilchuck ushered you over in exaggeration. Shedding your own gear, you followed until you were nearly right up agaisnt him on the same stone. "I can't tell what stones could possibly be traps. I need you to put your foot on some of them to make sure." 

"Yeah, sure." You stepped forward as Chilchuck put his ear to the ground to hear any traps. Everything was going pretty well, you stepped on all the right stones.

Until you didn't.

"Wait, [Y/N]! That's a--"

With barely any time to react you scrunched yourself close as spikes came up from the floor, quite a few slicing through your skin. Blood trickled down from your wounds, as your breathing became ragged.

Chilchuck wanted to come and help you, those spike traps were dangerous to be stuck in. But he couldn't risk setting off anymore and getting you or himself in more. "Hey.. uhm--Chilchuck? how do I get out of this thing..?" You ask meekly, not wanting to speak, not even breath, too afraid that you'd get yourself impaled if you moved in the slightest. 

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