Laios x GN!Beastman!Reader

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requested by ODDS0DA

This takes place on the surface btw :3

short and sweet, FLUFFSHOT

It was rough trying to get around on the surface without people being afraid of you

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It was rough trying to get around on the surface without people being afraid of you.

After all, you were a beastman, a bear at that.

But you weren't born like this naturally, no... it was a curse. There were no known ways to reverse this curse safely.

Thankfully, you'd met someone who was actually quite fascinated by you. His name was Laios Touden, a tall man with an affinity for food and monsters.

 And speak of the devil, the blonde man was sitting on the porch of your shared home, he waved with a goofy grin. "[Y/N]! Hi!" He stumbled out of his chair to walk up to you.

As if in an instant, Laios latched onto you, hugging you tightly. "Ah.. I missed you!" 

"You know I was only gone for a couple of hours... " You wrapped your arms around him in return, allowing your burly arms to wrap around him in return.

"I know.. but that's still a long time!" He puffed. nestling his face into your chest.

"We should go inside, it's getting dark." You bean to push Laios inside. Once you were both in the tiny little home, you shut the door and locked it up for the night. "Did you already eat?" You asked dumbly... of course he did. He was an absolute foodie.

Laios nodded. "Yeah, I did. I'm assuming you did too?" He would ask you the same in return.

With a noise of affirmation, you stretched your arms, ready to go to bed.

"C'mon now, let's go to bed." You'd usher him as you walked into your bedroom, Laios followed enthusiastically behind. 

Shuffling into bed, Laios joined you, clinging onto you happily and cuddling up to you, babbling on about his day and how much fun he had.

Eventually, the two of you fell asleep in each other's arms, the lull of each other's calm breathing aiding you to sleep.

Eventually, the two of you fell asleep in each other's arms, the lull of each other's calm breathing aiding you to sleep

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WC: 343

Clingy Laios my beloved...

It's a short and sweet chapter, but tadaaaaaa :3

Have a great day/night

- olin

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