Senshi x GN!Reader

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Requested by Kenny66789 


Tucked against each other, you and Senshi laid in each other's arms

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Tucked against each other, you and Senshi laid in each other's arms.

He whispered sweet words to you, running his hands through your hair and looking at you as if you were a divine being.

"You're so beautiful, you know that?" Senshi hummed, saying it for the umpteenth time in a row.

With a soft smile, you leaned into his hand and kissed his palm. "Thank you..."

Your fingers played with his own haor in return, braiding little portions of it and releasing them before moving on and braiding it again.

It was so very nice to just lay in bed with him again.

It was so very nice to just lay in bed with him again

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WC: 100

Little Senshi drabble WOOOOOOOO

「 ✦ 𝓗𝓤𝓝𝓖𝓔𝓡 ✦ 」Dunmeshi x reader ONESHOTSWhere stories live. Discover now