Thistle x Dragon!Beastman!Reader

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requested by Baaah_Baaah

Reader roosts this dumb lil kid elf mage :3\

You sat along the cobblestone ground of the dungeon, your scaly belly pressed against it as you sat in silence

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You sat along the cobblestone ground of the dungeon, your scaly belly pressed against it as you sat in silence.

A dragon beastman, that's what you were. An artificial one made from magic, but still classified as one nonetheless

Thistle came through the dungeon, looking up at you with wide eyes before glaring. "Where have you been?! You're supposed to be keeping guard of the Winged Lion!" He shouted up at you, groaning when he didn't get much of a response.

You spread out one of your wings, using it to drag Thistle under it and wrap your tail close to him.

He made his complaints vocal. But you kept him close, keeping his little body warm.

"Let go of me right now and do your job, dragon!" He tried shouting once again, but to no avail.

He eventually gave in, letting you roost him. Your scales were very hot... it was like being put under a heating blanket.

He found himself sleepy, this made him realize he hadn't gotten a good night's rest in a while.

Begrudgingly, Thistle allowed himself fall asleep, crossing his arms across your tail, and laying his head on them.

He fell asleep very quickly, it was like a miracle.

He fell asleep very quickly, it was like a miracle

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WC: 198

get roosted, IDIOT 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 19 ⏰

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