Mithrun x GN!Reader

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Requested by HarouN31 


The sea was always so soothing, gentle air with the faintest hint of all filled your senses

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The sea was always so soothing, gentle air with the faintest hint of all filled your senses.

Mithrun came up behind you, a gentle hand on your shoulder as his black eyes stared off.

You always adored his little lazy eye.

"The sea is beautiful." He spoke in a soft, hushed tone.

You both shared a nice, comfortable silence between each other; both of you looked out to the sea, the waves lulling the canaries ship steadily.

"We will be at the island shortly, [Y/N]." He slid his hand from your shoulder.

"Yes, I know." You'd respond.

You two returned to your comfortable silence again.

WC: 100

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WC: 100

Short n sweet lil drabble RAHHHHHH

「 ✦ 𝓗𝓤𝓝𝓖𝓔𝓡 ✦ 」Dunmeshi x reader ONESHOTSWhere stories live. Discover now