Dwarf!Laios x Gnome!Reader

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requested by pomx2_purin

This takes place when the gang steps through the changelings, Laios is a dwarf, reader is a Gnome!

This takes place when the gang steps through the changelings, Laios is a dwarf, reader is a Gnome!

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The feeling was unbearable... it felt like your skin was on fire.

It was the worst fever you'd ever experienced.

And the worst part, everyone was going through it too.

It had to be some kind of food poisoning... but Senshi was always so careful to make sure the food was clean, and it never made anyone sick before.

 but Senshi was always so careful to make sure the food was clean, and it never made anyone sick before

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The next morning you awoke... you felt weirdly compact, like you'd gotten smaller.

Rubbing your head you looked at your hand, it was short and stubby.

You looked around and everyone looked totally different... they all got up and everyone shared a scream when looking at each other.

Marcille seemed the most freaked out. She was turned into a half-foot.

You were all trying to figure out what had happened... until Laios mentioned a half-foot tale, where children would go to the woods and come out looking completely different.

It happened due to them walking through mushrooms that could alter the biology and species of all living things.

"And here I was... thinking it was food poisoning." You sighed, lifting your hands up and tapping your pointed ears.

Being turned into a gnome actually wasn't that bad. You felt a bit calmer, less stressed than usual.

"Hey, it's not so bad, guys! Look at this! This could be a really good bonding exercise, being each other's race!" Laios chirped happily, latching onto your side, his now stubby arms hugging onto you with happiness. He was always so touchy, and so cheerful.

Eventually everyone slipped on each other's clothes... you had to borrow some of Namari's old clothes that were kept around. They didn't fit all too well... but they would have to do until you all found out a way to get rid of this curse.

After a long say in the dungeon; going across dozens of traps, even fighting gargoyles that happened to have also been affected by the changelings, you all bunkered down to sleep

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After a long say in the dungeon; going across dozens of traps, even fighting gargoyles that happened to have also been affected by the changelings, you all bunkered down to sleep. Thankfully, you'd found out that just washing yourself with water it would reverse the effects of the changelings.

You laid in your sleeping bag, stretching your shorter arms.

"Hey, [Y/N]? Do you think that we could... try to share a sleeping bag tonight?" Laios asked, averting his gaze as if embarrassed.

You didn't see much of an issue... he always asked to do this kind of thing when you were as your regular races.

"I don't see why not... it might be a tight fit, though." You shuffled over, allowing Laios to squeeze himself inside the sleeping bag with him.

To make yourselves comfortable, you were both wrapped up in each other's limbs.

Even if it was a really tight fit, it was still really comfortable.

You both fell asleep quickly, enveloped in each other's warmth.

WC: 443

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WC: 443


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