Chapter 31 - Alice & Margaret

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This contains lesbian erotic content and incest. So if that disturbs or offends you, don't continue reading. Also bear in mind that this is all fiction and nothing to be taken seriously.

Alice had finally decided that she had had enough nonsense and wanted to go straight home. The only problem was, she had no idea where to go. It was getting darker and darker and she had no idea where she was. She seemed to be in some sort of forest, and that suspicion was quickly confirmed as she reached a wooden sign hanging on a tree that said "Tulgey Wood" whatever that meant.

The further in she went, the scarier her surroundings seemed. It was dreadfully dark and a distant cuckooing made her jump of fright. Nothing looked familiar to her. She had to duck as an owl flew past her; except... it wasn't an owl. It's neck consisted of a harmonica that kept going back and forward.

"It would be so nice if something would make sense for a change!" Alice said to herself. She was starting to grow sick of all the freaky stuff happening around her all the time.

Then she noticed a red path straight ahead. That must be the way home, she thought and hurried along it. She might even be home in time for tea!

But then she stopped abruptly in her tracks as a big dog with a broom for a head was approaching her and erasing the path ahead.

"Oh dear! Now I- now I shall never get out," she said miserably to herself. "Well, when- when one's lost, I- I suppose it's good advice to stay where you are, until someone finds you. But- but who'd ever think to look for me here?"

She looked around hopelessly. Good advice... if she had just listened to herself and not gone here in the first place... She shook her head. No, she couldn't think like that. If she had listened to her own advice, she would never have met Tinkerbell and she would never have experienced getting violently fucked by a meadow of flowers. Those were experiences she didn't want to have gone without. Still, she just wished she could see her sister again. Not that anything would have ever happened between them. Margaret was way too proper and strict to indulge in such profanity, but by now Alice just wanted to see her. She missed her.

Then it occurred to her, that if she ever did get home, she would still be as small as an apple. She exhaled forcefully though her nose, amused over her own stupidity. She hoped that Tinkerbell was putting the last bit of growing potion to good use wherever she was.

She sat down with her back against a tree. Thinking about Margaret and Tinkerbell made her want to touch herself. She pulled her skirt upwards and reached down. Her pussy had been stuck in a permanent state of wetness ever since she arrived in Wonderland, but she couldn't help that she just kept being horny. She parted her pussy lips, pretending it was Margaret's tongue exploring the folds. She rubbed her clit and pulled it gently.

But before Alice could start really enjoying herself, a voice was heard. She didn't really know from where. It seemed to be coming from everywhere. It was singing. Something along the lines of:

"Twas brillig, and the slithy toves, did gyre and gimble in the wabe. All mimsy were the borogoves, and the momeraths outgrabe."

Alice looked confused around. "Now where in the world do you suppose that..."

"Uh... lose something?" the voice then said from in front of her, but all she could see was a wide grin hovering in mid-air.

"Oh! Hehe, oh uhhh... hehe... I- I was... no, no, I- I- I- I mean, I uhh... I was just wondering..." she driveled.

"Oh uhh, that's quite all right!" the voice said, before two eyes turned up and then the rest of the creature's body appeared out of thin air.

"Why, why you're a cat!" Alice exclaimed.

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