Labor Day

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Backstory:Tim and Lucy have been married for a few months and Lucy's a detective and 9 months pregnant and its her due date.

At their house
L- Honey metro needs you for an op.
T-I can call grey and have some else cover for me.
L- No go in Angela will be here with me and I'll call you when I'm in labor.
T - Baby I'm not missing our child being born
A - Tim it's fine I'll call ASAP once she's in labor, go.
L - If you don't go, I'll divorce you.
T - Fine, but Ange call as soon as possible
A - no promises (smirking)

At work
T- Grey, I need to work 3 hours because today is Lucy due date and your are making come into work on my day off.
G - okay Bradford, but I can't make any promises, this op is very important to us. Go and brief your team
T - Alright.

In roll call
T - Alright listen up, today's op is very dangerous it's important we figure out where these drugs are coming from, so everybody hit up their CIs
Metro team - Yes sir
John (raises hand) - Sir Lucy has the best CIs in the station.
T - your right, Nolan give her a call you're her favorite (smirks)
John - Are you sure?
T - mmh
(John walks out to call Lucy)
Nyla - You're an evil genius
G - That was a dirty lie Bradford
T - it's her due date, you want to be the one calling her about work. She's already threatened me saying that she'll divorce me.
Metro team - Fair point

At home
(Lucy's phone rings)
L - Nolan has anyone been shot?
J - No
L - Has anything happen to Tim
J - No
L - I'm hanging up
J - Wait, there's a new a drug on the street, we need you're best CI
L - Ok I'll text you his number
J - Good lu ( call ends)ck
A - what did Nolan need?
L - My best CI
A - Luce you should really focus on giving birth, not work
L - I know I know

Back at the station
T - Did anyone find anything useful?
J - Lucy sent me her CIs information, we could bring him down to the station.
T - Alright , Nolan, Harper you guys question her CI while the rest of us go and stake out some suspects.

At home
L-hey Angela, I think my water broke or I just peed myself. (Laughing)
A-Alright I think your water broke but your not having contractions so I don't think we need to head to the hospital yet. Do you want to me to call Tim to let him know your water broke?
L-No, I want to wait until I start having contractions then we'll call him. He is only supposed to work 3 hours today.

With Metro
T-Are you guys ready to head in
Everyone-yes sir

Back at home
L- I'm having really bad contractions now. I think it's time to call Tim.
A- Alright Lucy get in the car and we'll call Tim and tell him to meet us at the hospital

In the car
A - (dials Tim's number) - He's not answering
A - Okay. I'm driving so can it wait until we're at the hospital?
L-fine but if he doesn't answer he's sleeping out the couch (laughing in pain)
A-Damn right he is.( evil laughing)

Back with Tim
T- on my go we go in
(On the radio)
A- Tim go to Channel six
T- what Angela?
A- we're at the hospital for your wife's birth so you better get your ass over now.
T-okay. On my way.

At the hospital
A- I'm checking in Lucy Bradford she's in labor and her contractions are few minutes apart and her water broke at home
Doctor-okay. I'll check her in. Will Mr. Bradford be joining us?
L- He better be if he doesn't want to sleep out the couch or get a divorce. (laughing)
A- Yes he will but is out right with his team and they should be here soon.

With Metro
T- Guys I'm sorry but my wife is in labor and she threatened me with divorce if I wasn't there for the birth.
Metro team- we understand. Can we come with you?
T- sure

Arrives at hospital
T- where's my wife
Doctor- Are you Mr. Bradford?
T- Yes that's me. I'm looking for Lucy Bradford.
Doctor - room 203
T- thank you
T-You guys wait here will I go to be with my beautiful wife.

(Time runs to Lucy)
T-what baby?
T- why do you hate me ?
T- calm down
T- understood

In the waiting room
Soon Grey,Luna, Wesley, Nyla, James, John and Bailey, Aaron and Celina walk in. (The gang for short)
W - (goes to Angela) - babe I brought the popcorn
A - Your the best (kisses him)
Metro - Why did you bring popcorn?
Gang - Because with Tim and Lucy it's like a reality show
Metro - Wdym
A - We go to their house at least 3 times a week, to see Lucy threatening Tim, them makingout and arguing.
W - it's better than watching the Bachelor.

In the hospital room
T - Breath baby, breath (grabs her hand)
Dr. - Your fully dilated, I need you to push
T - Squeeze my hand babe
Dr. - Almost done Mrs Bradford

In the waiting room
B - Is that Lucy screaming?
Angela & Nyla- Sounds like it
Grey - We better pry Lucy doesn't kill Tim

One hour later
Tim walks out to the waiting room to see their friends
Gang - So how did it go?
T - It's a girl, come on back to meet her
They all walk to Lucy's room to see her holding their baby
L - I'll like you to meet Sadie Mae Bradford
A - She's so cute
Metro team - Awww
T - I can already tell she's going to be a daddy's girl
W&James - That's what they all say, wait til Lucy makes you be the bad guy
T - Well me and Mini boot will be best friends
L,A,Nyla - Mini boot?
T - Yes, Lucy's boot and Sadie's mini boot. Don't get jealous babe, you'll the original boot
L&A&Nyla - ( Laughing hard)
Grey - I'm glad their on our side
L&A&Nyla - We heard that!!

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