Undercover Love

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*The station is quiet, the night shift taking over. Officers move about, but the energy is subdued. LUCY CHEN and TIM BRADFORD enter, both dressed casually, a sharp contrast to their usual uniforms.*

Remember, we're Dim and Juicy tonight. Stay in character.

Don't worry, I got this, Dim.

*They walk to the briefing room where they meet SERGEANT GREY. He eyes their outfits curiously.*

What's the deal with the outfits?

Just blending in, Sarge. Gotta sell the story, right?

Right. Just make sure you don't blow your cover.

*Lucy and Tim nod, sharing a quick, secretive glance. They head towards the undercover vehicle parked outside. Once inside, the tension eases.*

This is kinda fun. We should go undercover more often.

Maybe. But keep it professional, Juicy.

*They drive off, heading to their undercover assignment. Later, after the assignment, they return to the station. The night shift is even quieter. They slip into an empty conference room, the adrenaline from their undercover work still high.*

I can't believe we pulled that off.

We're a good team.

*They move closer, the unspoken connection between them palpable. Suddenly, the door opens slightly, and they quickly separate, pretending to review their notes. OFFICER WEST peeks in.*

Hey, you two. Everything okay?

Yeah, just debriefing. What's up?

Just checking in. Good work tonight.

*West leaves, closing the door behind him. Tim and Lucy exchange relieved glances, then move closer again.*

We have to be more careful.

I know. But right now...

*They share a quick, passionate kiss, then break apart, the thrill of secrecy adding to the moment.*

Back to work, Officer Chen.

Yes, Sergeant Bradford.

*They exit the conference room, maintaining their professional demeanor as they head back into the main area of the station.*

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