Tim proposes to Lucy pt1

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Scene: Lucy's Apartment

(Lucy is sitting at her desk, reviewing case files. Tim enters, looking nervous but determined.)**

Tim:Hey, Lucy. Can we talk for a minute?

Lucy: (looks up, concerned) Of course, Tim. What's going on?

Tim:(takes a deep breath) I’ve been thinking a lot about us and... well, you know I'm leaving for the army soon.

Lucy:(nods, trying to stay composed) Yeah, I know. It’s going to be tough.

Tim: (takes her hand) Lucy Chen, will you marry me before I leave?

Lucy: (eyes widen, then smiles) Yes, Tim Bradford. I will marry you.

Scene: Courthouse Steps

(Tim and Lucy are standing on the steps of the courthouse, holding hands. Angela and Wesley are with them, smiling supportively.)

Angela: I can't believe this is happening! You two are so perfect together.

Wesley: (nods) Absolutely. I'm honored to be here with you guys.

Tim:(looks at Lucy, eyes filled with love) Ready to do this?

Lucy:(smiles back, squeezing his hand) More than ready.

Scene: Inside the Courthouse

(They stand before a judge. Angela and Wesley are standing behind them as witnesses.)**

Judge:Do you, Tim Bradford, take Lucy Chen to be your lawfully wedded wife?

Tim:I do.

Judge: And do you, Lucy Chen, take Tim Bradford to be your lawfully wedded husband?

Lucy: I do.

Judge:By the power vested in me by the state, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride.

(Tim and Lucy kiss. Angela and Wesley cheer and clap.)

Angela: Congratulations, you two!

Wesley: Yeah, congratulations! You did it!

Scene: Outside the Courthouse

(Tim and Lucy walk down the steps, hand in hand. They stop and turn to look at each other.)

Tim: I love you, Lucy. No matter where I go, I'll always come back to you.

Lucy:I love you too, Tim. And I'll be here, waiting for you.

(They kiss again as Angela and Wesley look on, smiling.)

Angela:Here's to a new beginning.

Wesley:To Tim and Lucy!

(The camera pans out as they all walk away from the courthouse together, the sun setting in the background.)

(Fade to black.)

The End.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24 ⏰

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