17. 'Finally'

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"Will he even let you drive it? I don't think I could trust anyone with a car that looked like that," Jasmine raises.

"He does. I drive it around on weekends. I'm not a negligent driver."

"Oh wow. That's great of him. But there's also hijackings, you know..."

"Then you'll never drive in your life."

"Hence I don't."

"You're being crazy. That's no way to live!"

"Alright, that's not the actual reason. I'm actually scared of driving because I slip into daydreams quite frequently."

"Oh? That must be a spiritual gift. Do you ever receive visions?"

"Like premonitions?"


"No, nothing like that. I have lucid dreams though. Quite commonly. And I have a vivid imagination. I think up a fictional place as though it were real."

"That sounds so cool. I don't have any artistic abilities. Well, I can dance, but I'm not professionally trained."

"You can dance? What? Like hip-hop, or contemporary?"

"A mixture of both."

"If it wasn't dark I'd ask for evidence. When next do we meet?"

"Easy tiger."

"Just when I thought you couldn't be more appealing."

"Don't put me on the spot, what about you?"

"What? Can I dance? I would say I can move," Jasmine remarks tentatively. Brandon laughs this off before asking, "You also write, don't you?"

"I do, but since I'm still studying, I'm an amateur."

"I guess."

"What about any gift related to fashion?" Jasmine probes. "You dress well."

"You think so?" Brandon asks with a smile.

"Especially when you wear your cap backwards, or wear nerd glasses: chef's kiss."

"I'm glad you notice; I put quite a bit of time throwing an outfit together."

"I love that about you hun."

"You're sweet, thanks," Brandon expresses before stopping a block away from Jasmine's apartment lot. Jasmine is relieved, but embarrassed - the parking lot is filthy.

"So where were we?" Brandon asks as soon as both are seated comfortably.

"Don't get me started on the things I like about you," Jasmine goads.

"Aw. Really? Let's...then you don't have to write the poem."

"Okay. Your forehead is your best physical quality. Although I don't know how I'm gonna handle labour."

"Oh. That's not nice. You're making fun of me."

"I'm not. It honestly makes you look so adorable. That and your widow's peak. And then your small sparkling baby blues.

"Okay, so you love my face. Anything else you like about me?"

"Your legs and your hair.

"Okay, and?

"Your intelligence, your pragmatic nature, your shyness and your noble spirit."

"Okay, I think we're square now."

"You've far exceeded what I thought I could attract as a spouse, so no matter what your conditions are, I'm signing up."

"Okay," Brandon voices excitedly, "this is what I like to hear!" Jasmine smiles serenely saying "you're a great blessing in my life Brandon. I cannot wait till we're a thing so we can start our lives together."

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