As Jasmine knocks on the apartment door Brandon and Jasmine both giggle at each other, their hands perspiring, stuck together.Jasmine's mother has a marvelled look on her face when she's opened the door. "You must be Brandon," she says smiling, a glimmer in her light brown eyes. She opens her arms to hug him, and he embraces her before she invites both him and Jasmine in.
"I wish you could have told me beforehand when you were coming, I would have made you some dinner," Jasmine's mother voices taking a seat after Jasmine and Brandon have taken their's.
"It's not a problem ma, that's why I came unexpectedly - I didn't want you to go through the trouble," Brandon expresses and Jasmine screams on the inside. Brandon called her mother "ma", and it seemed so natural to him!
Jasmine's mother smiles sweetly saying, "So tell me about this man that's come into my daughter's life recently. Is he worthy of my daughter's hand in marriage?"
Brandon answers: "He can only hope to be. He's a practising Christian, coming from a family of relative wealth, he got seven distinctions in matric which got him into the computational and applied mathematics degree at Wits. He aspires to be a software engineer, a loving husband, a caring father, and a devoted disciple of Christ. And lastly, if it isn't too cocky to note, he is goodlooking, fit, and has an overall good health."
Jasmine's mother laughs heartily and says "Mind me Jasmine, but I think wanting Brandon may be overreaching." Jasmine gasps. Her mother apologises politely and expresses "But why Jasmine, Brandon?" Jasmine gasps again and throws a fit sure her mother will turn Brandon away from her for good.
Brandon places a hand on Jasmine's lap which instantaneously shuts her up. He then says "Love is delirious, and I am crazy about your daughter: her determination and tenacity in making the unexpected - like 'us' - happen, her unshakeable faith, her solemn love for God's decrees, her cute button nose, sweet dimples which I see she got from you... I don't think I need that many reasons."
"Okay, I see what this is. God is blessing my daughter for being a diehard Christ fanatic," Jasmine's mother says confusing Brandon. "Bless you my child," she then expresses looking over at her daughter, "I cannot be anything but happy for you." Jasmine pouts, feeling embarrassed, but at the same time getting exactly what her mother means.
But did she have to be so blunt?
Jasmine's mother makes the three of them tea. She then tells Brandon that she used to be married but that she left her husband after serial infidelity on his side. He also abused her, she tells. Brandon nods and sympathises as though he were hearing all of this for the first time.
When Brandon's tea has cooled, he gulps it down, and in about 15 minutes of attentiveness Jasmine then notices Brandon tapping his foot impatiently. She thinks he might need to rush somewhere so Jasmine drinks her tea quickly and gets up saying, "Thanks for the tea and chat mom. It is getting late... I think we can talk again this coming Sunday?"
Brandon gets up next to her and says "Yes ma, thank you for the tea, but I do need to go now. This Sunday, please, do stay over for brunch with my family. I'll drive all of you back as soon as you're ready to leave," he then expresses hugging her again. Jasmine's mother seems a bit befuddled by the sudden urgency in leaving, but she waves them off with gaiety.
As Jasmine and Brandon make it down the building hallway, having come out at the open security gate, Brandon is called back by the security guard, both he and Jasmine having forgotten about his ID.
Once Brandon is about to reach his car Jasmine slows him down saying: "What on Earth are you rushing for, so much? You need to slow down, or you might get into an accident." Brandon, as though he hasn't heard a word, hurries inside the car leaving Jasmine outside looking in, with much confusion. Brandon beckons her over, opening the passenger side door. Jasmine walks to it but doesn't go in, expressing, "Wherever you want to take me, I don't want to go."
"I'm not taking you anywhere, I just want to say goodbye," Brandon answers and Jasmine gets inside realising he wants a kiss. She wants it too, but she is fretful over Brandon's safety. If only he would just listen to her when it came to things like this.
As Brandon's face gets close to hers he voices a: "Relax, I just need the loo. For some or other reason the sensation is subsiding, so I think I'll make it home."
Jasmine backs away and blasts "What! Why couldn't you have used our bathroom? You scared it's dirty? You could have killed yourself rushing home all because of snobbery?"
"Not snobbery, perhaps prudishness dear. I'd just met your mother - I was too shy to ask for the bathroom."
"Fine. I can relate," Jasmine emits before she begins to wag her body. Brandon smiles holding her wrist down to her lap which causes her to stop moving about. When he inches in, she closes her eyes - she loved how he held her! How he flexed his power. It made her feel like he could pick her up like she weighed nothing.
Brandon's face caresses hers and before long, his lips find hers and- Brandon pulls away. He complains that he feels exposed in their parking lot and that he is feeling the urge to pee again. So, they decide to let Brandon drive to the Shell garage a block away. When he gets back, they drive to the same spot they parked at yesterday, a block away from their flat.
Brandon this time is not shy about his advances. His face caresses hers before his hands delicately stroke her cheek and then her neck, and then her bosom. Jasmine holds his hand and says the unsought for 'no'. Brandon lets go, kisses her and then slides his way from her ribs to her stomach. Jasmine says the impolite 'no'. Brandon backs away completely. "I'm sorry," he expresses surprising Jasmine. "We have no business doing such things at this stage in our relationship. I can and will wait. I promise," he says before kissing her left-hand ring finger.

RomanceA sweet romance. Look into the life of a postgraduate in English Literature as she lets the Bible define her encounter with Brandon Daniels. Is she trying to navigate outdated customs or do they have the perfect recipe to long lasting love? You dec...