Pokemon Emergency!

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[Lincoln and Clyde arrived into the Pokemon center they are in aww how big this center was as they are greeted by nurse joy]

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[Lincoln and Clyde arrived into the Pokemon center they are in aww how big this center was as they are greeted by nurse joy]

Nurse joy:Greetings boys how may I help you?

Lincoln:Yes Nurse joy can you check up on our Pokemon real quick?

Clyde:They been through a lot of battles could really use it.

Nurse joy:Of course let me see what I can do. [The boys nodded as they handed nurse joy their Pokeballs and Eevee as a chansey takes them away]

Lincoln:You ready to go get something to eat while we wait?

Clyde:You took the words right out of my mouth let's go.

The boys leave the Pokemon center to let their Pokemon heal as they head outside in order to grab a quick bite to eat in nearby restaurants]


[Meanwhile It is nighttime as Officer Jenny is driving her motorcycle through the city with a certain pallet town native on her cycle]

Ash:How much further is it to the Pokémon Center?

Jenny;You don't have to worry about that, kid. Cause it's right there.

[Officer Jenny points at a large building they are approaching]

Ash:The Pokémon Center. It's gigantic

Jenny:This is tricky. Hold on Here we go!

[She hops her motorcycle into the entryway and right inside the Pokémon Center and stops at the front desk. Behind it is a woman with pink hair. This is Nurse Joy]

Nurse joy:We have a driveway, you know.

Jenny:This is a Pokémon emergency.

Ash:Please help it!

Nurse joy:Looks like a Bulbasaur. We'll do what we can. I need a stretcher for a small grass Pokémon, stat.

Ash:Can you also heal my 2 other Pokémon as well?

Nurse joy:Sure, young man [said Nurse Joy as she takes out a tray]Place you Poké Balls here and we'll take care of them

[Ash takes out his 2 Poké Balls and places them on the tray. Just then, two large pink Pokémon called Chansey arrived with a stretcher.]

Chansey:Chansey [they said]

[Ash takes out his Rotom phone and scans them].

Ash's Pokédex: Chansey, the Egg Pokémon. A gentle and kind-hearted Pokémon that shares its nutritious eggs if it sees an injured Pokémon.

[Nurse Joy places charmander on the stretcher as she takes the tray that holds Green's Poké Balls and one ash's and gives it one of her Chanseys].

Nurse joy:It'll be okay. Rush this Pokémon to the critical care unit. And heal these Pokémon as well [Nurse Joy told Chansey. The two Chanseys did what she said as they take the Poké Balls and rolled charmander away. Nurse Joy begins to put on pink pink gloves.]                                                                         

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