Trading A new

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Hi guys. Just wanted to say the reason why I changed Lincoln team is because I have plan for some the chapters and new members down the line. You'll see what I mean soon enough anyway let's get back too the story)) 

Professor Oak's Laboratory - VideoPhone Room (12:20 PM)-

[Lincoln had decided to give professor oak a call as he dials up his number on his phone he waits until somebody answers but to his shock it was Lisa]

Lisa:Good Afternoon. To whom am I speaking with currently at this time frame.

Lincoln:Good afternoon Lisa, It's me Lincoln! How are you? [asked Lincoln with a cheery smile on his face]

[With a smile of her own, she answered] Lisa:I'm quite well, Eldest male sibling unit. Did you want something from me or Professor oak?

Lincoln;Actually...yeah, I did. But first... [replied Lincoln before taking his badge case and showing off the Wrench Badge within]Ta-da! Check it out - my second badge!

[Much to the white-haired boy's confusion, Lisa didn't look surprised at all]

Lisa:Ah yes, your battle against the Second Cerulean City gym leader. A very good match, I must say...even though I felt that it could've been better without the two of you relying on just one type. But still, well done my fellow sibling- you're one-fourth of the way to the League!

Lincoln:Hey, Theirs nothing wrong with just using normal types plus my team is well diverse! I just..." started Lincoln, only to stop what he was saying almost immediately]. ...How did you know that something like that happened?

Lisa:Oh right...this is something The professor forgot to mention to you - gym battles are televised on occasion for the entire region to watch. It helps the people of Kanto see what kind of Trainers may be participating in the League in the future [She stated before giving Lincoln a knowing look]And your battle against Lana is currently one of the more hotter topics on discussion right now - I believe it has to do with the unique techniques that you and your Eevee used during that match.

[Crossing Her arms and giving the white-haired boy a stern look, she adds] Lisa:Speaking of which, how in the world did you teach Eevee that fire type move? Normally a Pokemon learns a new move after growing strong enough or through a TM but your Eevee a special after all my time having a chance to study it I still can't quite understand Why it can't evolve and it's unique eye color?

Lincoln:To be honest, was by complete and total accident [replied Lincoln with a shrug] I was searching through different moves Eevee knows through my Rotom phone and Boom it just happened to appear so I taught it too Eevee to be honest I'm still not sure myself how Eevee knows these moves. [He said honestly a bit Confused himself]

Lisa:...I suppose that actually makes a lot of sense now that I think on it [She mused thoughtfully as she tapped her chin] In any case, you said that you had another reason you were wanting to talk to me or I Guess technically the professor.

Lincoln:Oh right. I was hoping you can send my Alolan Ratta and Bunnelby over to me, please.

Lisa:Certainly. Of course, you'll have to send two of your Pokemon to me first.

[After taking a few seconds to think it over, Lincoln removes two Pokeballs from his belt and says] Lincoln:I'll be sending over Deerling and Fearow, Do you want me to go ahead and send them over now?

Lisa:If you wouldn't mind [She replied, prompting Lincoln to Activate the transfer by pressing the activation button, causing them to disappear in a flash of light before reappearing inside of the machine in Oak's office. After collecting the two Pokeballs and pocketing them, she adds]Excellent. Now then, I'll be sending the Pokemon you requested your way. Hold on a moment.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10 ⏰

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