Cerulean steel

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-Campsite (7:00 AM)-

[Upon waking up the following morning and leaving the tent while making sure to keep quiet so Clyde could sleep,Lincoln was greeted with an unusual sight - aside from himself and the two still sleeping in the tent, there was nobody else around]

Lincoln:...Where'd Seymour and Bill go? [thought Lincoln curiously before spotting what appeared to be a folded letter sitting on a nearby stump. After walking over and picking it up, he unfolds it in order to see what was written on it]

-To Lincoln and Clyde-

Bill letter:If you're reading this, then you know by now that I have already left Mount Moon to return back home to my lighthouse at Cerulean Cape. I wish I could've said goodbye to you in person, but as you were still asleep at the time and I was in a hurry to return home, I had to resort to writing this letter instead.

In any case, I have to say that it was an honor and privilege to meet such promising young Trainers such as yourselves and if you ever get the time to do so, I'd like for you and your friends to pay me a visit.

Until we meet again, Bill.

P.S.: As you can already guess, Seymour is no longer around either, though he wanted me to tell you 'goodbye' for him.

Lincoln;So they've already left. I guess I better get ready to leave too [said Lincoln before putting the letter into his bag, then taking a seat on the stump] I just gotta wait Clyde to wake up first, then we can get going to Cerulean City.

[Suddenly, a familiar voice called out] Jigglypuff:Friend Lincoln, I've finally found you! I've been looking for you all morning! [catching the white-haired boy's attention]

[Turning to face the direction that the voice was coming from, Lincoln saw the familiar-looking Pokemon stepping out from some nearby bushes - the Jigglypuff How had saved him in the cave]

[Blinking in surprise, the eleven year-old asks] Lincoln:What are you doing here? Did you come to say goodbye before we left?

[Shuffling its feet slightly, Jigglypuff answered] Jigglypuff:"...Not exactly. I...uh, want to go along with you on your journey"

Lincoln;Wait, wait, wait...you came here to our campsite because you wanted to come along with me? [asked Lincoln, causing the ballon Pokemon to nod in confirmation]I don't mind you wanting to come with me, but...why?

Jigglypuff:"I want to see the world outside of the mountain and what it has to offer. I can't exactly do that if I'm here for the rest of my life [jigglypuff added before it gave Lincoln a warm smile] I also get to spend more time with you and your friend, too."

[With a grin starting to form on his face, Lincoln answers] Lincoln:Well in that case, I'd be happy to have you on the team [before taking out a Pokeball from his bag]You ready for this?

Jigglypuff:Ready! [replied the Ball Pokemon prompting Lincoln to throw the Pokeball at them, capturing them both at the same time]

[Once the Pokeball had went still a few seconds later, the white-haired boy lets out a whoop and says] Lincoln:Yes! That's One more added to the team! [In a flash of white light the ball disappears heading to oak lab]

-Outskirts Of Cerulean City (10:00 AM)-

[By the time ten o'clock had come, the Boys finally managed to reach the outskirts of Cerulean City]

[On the way, Lincoln managed to capture two more Pokemon - a Paras he caught on accident trying to get his true target a Lickitung. However, considering the fact that they were...less than thrilled about being captured, he decided to leave them with Professor Oak for the time being until he could figure out something to do with them]

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