Showdown in pewter city

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-Near The Entrance To Pewter City (10:00 AM)-

[Sighing in relief at the sight of the small town in the distance, Lincoln says] Lincoln.Ahh...Pewter City at long last. About time we made it here, if you ask me. Right, you two? [before he sat down on a nearby rock]

Eevee:"Yeah, I have to admit that despite the fact the place used to be my home, I'm glad to be out of that place after what we've been through."

Clyde:I agree. It's good to be back in civilization again after Being stuck there for god knows how long [He replied with a smile of his own as he sat down beside him.]

Lincoln:Hey Clyde, what does it say about pewter city on the Rotom phone? Anything it can tell us
about Pewter City? [he asked as Clyde pulls up the information on his Rotom phone]

Clyde:Well according to this it's actually a pretty nice place to visit. there's not much to see in town - the only things the place is known for are the Gym itself and the Pewter City Museum.

????:Those aren't the only things that this town is famous for, young Man [said a gravelly voice that belonged to a man, causing the three to look around to find who the owner was]Pewter City's gray - the color of stone. This town has always been famous for stone.

[Upon finding the owner of the voice, an older man with tanned skin and a bushy brown beard, Lincoln asks]Lincoln:Er...what in the world are you talking about? And while I'm at it, who are you?

Flint:The name's Flint. And I should let you know that the two of you are sitting on some of my merchandise.

[Hearing this, Lincoln and Clyde quickly got off of the rocks they were sitting on and to their feet.]

Clyde:Oh man, I'm sorry! I didn't know... [started Clyde before quickly realizing what Flint was implying] sell rocks? Seriously?

[Pointing at a small shelf nearby that had several rocks with price tags on them, He answers]

Flint:They're souvenirs - genuine Pewter City stones. Interested in buying any?

Clyde:Depends. Are any of them evolution stones?[He asked, somewhat interested]


Clyde:Then I'll think I'll pass.

Flint:What about you, kid? Wanna buy one? [asked Flint, turning to face Lincoln] thanks, Flint. We'll pass [replied Lincoln, shaking his head]

Flint:Suit yourself. By the way... [started Flint before holding out his hand with his palm facing upwards. ] That'll be a 200 PokeDollar charge from each of you for sitting on my merchandise.

Lincoln:What? Are you kidding me!? It's just a rock! [He protested]

Flint:A rock that's an official Pewter City souvenir. If you don't pay the charge, you'll have to buy it instead [replied Flint, still keeping his hand held out] If I'm correct, that particular rock was priced at 15,000 PokeDollars.

[both boys blanched in horror at the idea of paying such a price and begrudgingly hurriedly paid the smaller charge, to flint]

[Flint counts the money the boys gave him before putting it all away in his pocket once he was assured that it was the right amount]

Flint:The three of you look exhausted. What happened?

Lincoln:We got lost a bit on our way here. Lucky for us a trainer named samurai helped to show us the way here.

Flint:I see. Well, if you like, I can take you three to the Pokemon Center so you can rest up.

[As he and Clyde gave Flint a grateful nod, Lincoln answers] Lincoln:That would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

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