The start of a dream

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[It was a quiet night in pallet town. Except not all were sound asleep or tucked comfortably in their beds as a young boy with Snow White Hair and ragged pajamas was walking the streets of pallet town all alone]

[once the boy sees you, he turns to look at the audience]

Lincoln:Hello. My name is Lincoln loud,I'm 5 years old and I'm so mad at my sister Lynn. She always picking on me for almost anything! She even locked me out of our room after she forced me to play a game of arm wrestling to see who gets to sleep in our room which obviously because I'm not that developed yet that jerk!!! [He screams loudly to no in particular as he keeps walking right into the forest as he continues too vent to the audience]

 She always picking on me for almost anything! She even locked me out of our room after she forced me to play a game of arm wrestling to see who gets to sleep in our room which obviously because I'm not that developed yet that jerk!!! [He screams ...

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Lincoln:it just feels like sometimes I'll never live up my family legacy. My dad owns a famous restaurant in pallet town called Lynn's table,my mom a famous writer how often sells her books at my dad's restaurant based off her old adventures back when she was a trainer. [He shows off a picture of his dad's restaurant]   ((Imagine a grassy field and a few flowers,overall it's exactly how it looks In pic))

Lincoln:My oldest sister Lana is a strong bug type gym leader in virdian city always battling rookie trainers while collecting and raising her bug type Pokemon she's caught from other regions

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Lincoln:My oldest sister Lana is a strong bug type gym leader in virdian city always battling rookie trainers while collecting and raising her bug type Pokemon she's caught from other regions.
My second oldest sister Lola is a top Pokemon coordinator in the kanto region,she's won so many ribbons and Grand festivals she practically considering retiring and opening up a coordinator school to teach younger kids.

Lincoln:Leni still traveling the world,learning as much she can on different styles of fashion and clothing from other regions. She sold a few of her stuff she practically called the goddess of thread. Due to how Legendary her work is said to be.                                    

Lincoln:Luna practically a rock and roll legend always traveling from region to region with her band mates,"The moon goats" playing rock and roll across the regions. Plus always on the lookout for new Pokemon to add too thier crew they are so focused on rock and roll  in fact that I rarely get to see her much. [Lincoln says sadly with a heavy heart as he sighs and continues with his rant]

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